nls clinic dubai
What is nls clinic ?
Metatron or Non-linear Scanning (NLS) safely and accurately scans your body in three dimensions, pinpointing
all of the contributing factors of your condition, getting to the root cause.
The Metatron NLS is able to trace any condition in the body through changes in the resonance of body tissue. Every object, small or large has its own individual frequency or oscillation that vibrates at a different frequency from any other substance.
Metatron can detect and match the frequency of any human body part, organ, tissue, cell, DNA or chemical. It automatically detects and localises cell changes down to a genetic level and corrects the imbalances.
How does it work?
The level and characteristic of pathology is detected by a disturbance in the communication flow between the cells and the integrated relations between various organs of the body. Oberon offers four different spectral views on these characterizations.
Overview of Information analyzed with the NLS
Organopreparations Biochemical Homeostasis Pathomorphology Allergens Microorganisms and Helminths | Allopathy Homeopathy Phytotherapy Nutriceuticals and Parapharmaceuticals Food |
How to contact nls clinic dubai?
+971 4 3487172 shedule iconSa-We: 8:00–20:00, Th: 8:00–15:00
Diacom nls
metatron nls, metatron nls clinic, nls clinic dubai
Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |