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metatron hunter argentina


What metatron hunter ipp metatron?

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

For many years our scientists carried out researches of non-linear diagnostic systems. With time this method becomes more popular, reliable and precise. And as a result of long-term researches an analogue-free investigation system, which allows tracing any conditions in the body through changes in the wave characteristics of tissues of the body was created.

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter

Non-linear analysis systems (NLS) are the most advanced information technologies available in this century and can be considered the most remarkable and advantageous accomplishment of modern natural science. The diagnosis equipment is based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic field of any biological object. It is quite unique and unparalleled in the world today.
The researches of the Institute succeeded in producing this most effective equipment that is capable of tuning to the frequency of the master pulses automatically without human intervention, as well as, detecting and correcting defects and pathologies in organs and body cell on its own. This is achieved through combination of different specifically modulated magnetic oscillations recorded on a matrix. The fundamental concept in the development of this equipment was the hypothesis that the human body has an electromagnetic information framework that is able to respond to external radiation.The cost of NLS diagnostic systems is much lower than the cost of other methods of hardware diagnostic. Comparing with other methods of hardware diagnostic, NLS allows getting picture closest to pathologoanatomic one. This, together with safety, promotes quick development of NLS diagnostic method.


What working principle about metatron hunter?

UMF Bucharest-Institute of Applied Psihofizica (metatron hunter) in Omsk, Russia through official representative in Romania, QUANTUM LIFE Company LLC
Research Institute of Applied Psihofizica (metatron hunter) from Omsk have created a system of investigation, with no analogue in the world, called Metatron, which allows tracking of any conditions of the human body through the changes specific to any vibrations in the body tissue. Nonlineara Analysis System (NLS) is the most advanced information engineering of this century and can be considered the most remarkable and advantageous implementation of modern natural science. Metatron diagnostic system is based on the spectral analysis of magnetic field of any biological topic. This is unique and without comparison in the world today.

Device Metatron developed by PPI allows the production of a specific neurons cerebrali bioelectrical activity, which makes it possible to selectively amplify signals hard detectable statistical fluctuations, as, isolation and decoding the information which they contain. Thus the device Metatron takes the “pulse” of this radiation right in place of issue to decode and display on a computer monitor where there is a virtual model of the organ represented in specific colors. Also, the software gives doctors Metapathia models a three-dimensional projection of the internal organs. The marked points through color, located on the drawing, the more precise help of pathological process. It is possible to interpret the decay process of biological structures and establish a prognosis by comparing the distribution of colored points on virtual body scan model, following the dynamics of changes over a period of time.

To be able to define pathology in a certain area, it is necessary for the investigation of deep levels until the outbreak of the disease is localized.

The fundamental principle in the development of the diagnostic system Metatron was the hypothesis that the human body has an electromagnetic informational printing which is able to respond to external stimuli to electromagnets.

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

METATRON Hunter Diagnostic System Main functions

Model of HSSMetatron-4025Metatron-4025Metatron-4025 MMetatron-4025 MMetatron-4025 MMetatron-4025 M
SoftwareMetapathia GR Clinical


Red Dragon


Metapathia Hospital


Golden Dragon






– Bacterial research++++++
– Ultrastructure++++++
– Vegeto-test++++++
– Smart-filter++++++
– Entropic analysis++++++
– NLS-analysis++++++
– Comparative analysis++++++
– Deep Vision++++++
– Multi Vision++++
– Wide Vision++++
– Plane section++
– Section with three perpendicular planes++++
– Changing of surrounding tissues transparency++++


metatron hunter Diagnostics compared with other methodologies

NLS-diagnosis 64, 4%
MRI 23, 4%

Average accuracy of diagnosis by comparing clinical research results on 5 areas: Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Gynecology and Endocrinology.

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

metatron hunter argentina

Metatron Hunter Testing Application Areas:

• Chronic-Degenerative Illnesses Of All Kinds, Autoimmune Diseases, Adjunct Therapy To Tumors
• Weak Immune System,Chronic Infections • Acute And Chronic Pain And Inflammations
• Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sleep Disorders, Depressions, Migraine, Psychosomatic Illnesses, Allergies, Eczema, Neurodermatitis
• Hormonal Disturbances, Menopausal Difficulties, Pms
• Old Age Illnesses • Pediatrics: Growth Problems, Behavioral Difficulties
• Spinal Symptoms:Back Pains, Pains In Joints, Tensions, Arthritis • Injuries,Bone

• Sports Medicine, Preparation For Competition


metatron hunter argentina

We are the metatron hunter supplier,if you need the metatron hunter 4025 nls device,please contact us,we can delivery the goods to argentina.



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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark

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