Metatron Diagnostic machine is very great test health for you ,it Worth you have it.We are the Metatron Diagnostic ,metatro nls,metatro hunter 4025,metatron 4021 ,oberon nls,vector nls,8d,9d ,17d ,19d,20d 25d,27d nls supplier,if you need more infomation,please contact us.
What is Metatron Diagnostic System?
The first device of its kind in the world! An informative, portable, user friendly device, to suite the medical demands of today.Developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, the Metatron rough diagnostic medical device boasts world class software, capable of scanning a patient without harmful effects, producing information within a matter of minutes. Metatron’s accuracy in finding acute and chronic processes, as well as predispositions towards certain illnesses, is an outstanding 79.9%. It is the world’s smallest and portable medical diagnostic device, with enormous applications and extensive database, making it able to be used anywhere!
METATRON makes it possible to examine all body systems without exceptions in a single session
NLS Diagnostics compared with other methodologies
NLS-diagnosis 64, 4%
MRI 23, 4%
Average accuracy of diagnosis by comparing clinical research results on 5 areas: Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Gynecology and Endocrinology.
What is Metatron & Metatherapy?
There are hundreds and thousands of identified frequencies (body-parts, microbes, chemicals, drugs, etc) stored in the memory of the Metatron. This frequency library enables the probes or “trigger sensors” of the Metatron to send out the appropriate signals to the selected target.Once an anomaly is detected the Metatron gives the practitioner the ability to perform minor corrections. This meta-correction, or METATHERAPY, helps to correct the underlying energo-informational deficiencies and losses that may lead to physiological stress and disturbed homeostasis.
Nothing else is affected, as the selected frequencies do not match those of any other object or body tissue.Metatron technology is the most advanced of its kind any where in the world today. It monitors the effect of any treatment and or lifestyle changes and reports in real time.Metatron is an incredibly powerful assessment tool, it provides detailed and accurate data and reports on the state of the homeostatic function of the body. From the molecular level to the systems level, the Metatron gives the ability so hone in on precisely what is out of balance within the body.
Metatron Non Linear Scanning
Metatron is an incredibly powerful non invasive assessment tool on the state of homeostatic function of the whole body.
Mobile Service Available in Sydney
With mobile service available, analysis and therapy can be organised in a location convenient for you.
Revolution in Medical Scanning Technology!
With Metatron the practitioner can analyse individual body systems, including: Endocrine, Nervous, Respiratory, Lymphatic, Musculosceletal and Immune Systems, as well as allowing for biochemical analysis.
Certified Metatherapists
Metatron analysis and metatherapy will be provided by a certified practitioner
Natural way to wellbeing and health
Your health is in YOUR hands!
What is metatron nls Correcting actions:
Preparation making
What is metatron nls FEATURES parameter
Frequency of internal generator – 4,9GHz
Average time of scanning – 2 sec
Number of computer graphic models of organs and tissues – 1432
Number of digitized spectral etalons of preparations and processes – 13933
Who uses the Metatron Diagnostic system where use?
Doctors and medical practitioners
diagnostic-roomsDiagnostic Rooms
Medicine Specialists
Centers and Spas
Medicine Centers
distributors-of-homeopathic-medicinesDistributors of Homeopathic
Medicines and Dietary Supplements
medical-clinicsMedical Clinics
Research Centers
sanatorium-resortsSanatorium Resorts
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Warning: metatron diagnostic machine
metatron nls machine Features,advantage,Application range
METATRON OBERON How work and How to analyzer the test reports
Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |