Metatron GR Hospital

What is Metatron GR Hospital?
Demonstration of the original program “Metatron GR Hospital”
On the basis of the software “Metapathia GR Clinical” a new software “Metatron GR Hospital” has been created, including all its functions, standard components and features.
In addition to the functions of the previous version, the new software version includes a number of new full HD 3D models.
– internal organ
-Circulatory system
– lymphatic system
– nervous system
-Heart chambers
-Heart conduction system
-Outer ear
New etalons database “Metatron GR Hospital” program.
-Type of body
-Parasites and worms
-Homeopathic preparations by HEEL
New features have been added.
-“Wide field of view”-Allows segmentation, zooming and detailed reconstruction of anatomical structures for individual studies. At the same time, the study object is moved to the center of the screen and other structures are shaded to prevent full visualization.
The “Multi Vision” – not only acquires virtual multi-dimensional images of anatomical structures, but also highlights bones, soft tissues, blood vessels and nerves (four-dimensional color-coded NLS data). This feature has the advantage of acquiring accurate images of the topography-anatomy interrelationships of tissues, blood vessels and nerves in the study area, thus improving the quality of image perception.
In addition, this feature allows rapid, detailed and scaled studies of individual anatomical structures (including tissues, vessels and nerves) in a 4D interactive rendering format.
The “alternative diagnostics” section of the new software provides Fleindler-level evaluation of seven chakras in addition to the evaluation of 14 Chinese meridians, auditory diagnostics and iris diagnostics.
These versions of the software use the Fleindler 12-point scale to assess catabolic (silver-related) processes and to assimilate information. These are proliferative and degenerative-proliferative processes (benign and malignant tumors, polyps, miomas, mastopathy) using previous generation devices (“Metapathia GR Hunter,” Metapathia GR Clinical “, “Red Dragon”) is difficult to diagnose. .
The possibility of an optional device and new software for improved stereoscopic visualization of 3D models, by connecting to any 3D screen with polarized glasses that will display the organ model, allows you to immerse yourself in the effects of the study and better understand the diagnostic results. The device displays high-quality stereoscopic images of the examined organs on the TV screen, thus improving the quality of the visualization of the results.
The new software version identifies six stages of disease development: psychophysiological, energetic information, neuroendocrine, endotoxin, symptomatic and terminal. In the first three stages, the disease is considered easily curable, in the fourth – curable, in the fifth – incurable and in the sixth – incurable.
The new generation of software supports Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and Japanese.
The software “Metatron GR Hospital” was created on the basis of “Metapathia GR Clinical” and includes all its functions, standard components and features. In addition to the features of previous versions, the new software version includes a number of new full HD 3D models.
internal organ
blood circulation system
lymphatic system
nervous system
outer ear
Chakra (Sanskrit: disk, circle, wheel)
Body type
heart cavity
cardiac conduction system
Parasites and worms
Homeopathic preparations by HEEL
Not only can virtual multidimensional images of anatomical structures be acquired, but also bones, soft tissues, blood vessels and nerves can be highlighted (four-dimensional color-coded NLS data).
This feature has the advantage of acquiring accurate images of the topography-anatomy interrelationships of tissues, blood vessels and nerves in the study area, thereby improving the quality of image perception.
In addition, this feature allows rapid, detailed and scaled study of individual anatomical structures, including tissues, vessels and nerves, in a 4D interactive rendering format.
The “Alternative Diagnostics” section provides an evaluation of 7 Chakras on the Fleindler scale, in addition to 14 Chinese meridians, auditory diagnostics and iris diagnostics.
These software versions use a 12-point Fleindler scale that allows for the assessment of catabolic (silver-related) processes and the assimilation of information, which is essential for the use of previous generation devices (“Metapathia GR Hunter,” GR Clinical”, “Red Dragon”).
Why did we choose Metatron GR Hospital?
1 The UNIQUE-Metatron GR Hospital is the first of its kind in the world. It is the most information-rich, portable, user-friendly, safe and legally licensed and certified device of its kind.
2 Accuracy – After comprehensive clinical trials, the Metatron GR Hospital is 79.9% accurate in detecting acute and chronic processes and susceptibility to certain diseases that affect the organism.
3 Usability – A simple, clear interface enables training in just 2 days to learn and assess a patient’s health status at Metatron GR Hospital. Once packaged, Metatron GR Hospital can be carried in a carry-on case (purchase required), making it highly portable and convenient.
Bioresonanz metatron 4025 hunter
4 Various data received – In addition to determining the current condition of organs and their level of function, the Metatron GR Hospital also causes viruses, allergens, infections, parasites and trace elements that can give a rough indication of some future health predictions and make recommendations and remedies for the treatment of identified diseases.
5 Wide range of applications – Metatron GR Hospital has proven its effectiveness and relevance in different fields. Hospitals, clinics, health resorts and sports centres. Metatron GR Hospital is used worldwide and is pre-installed in multiple languages.
Metatron systems have been used in western medicine, herbal medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, psychology, psychiatry, sports medicine, fitness consultancy, health spas and clinics, homeopathic clinics and rehabilitation centres. The applications for the Metatron crude diagnostic system are endless, which is why the system is quickly becoming an essential companion for practitioners looking to upgrade and future proof their respective clinics.
Who can use Metatron GR Hospital?
Doctors, including family doctors
Hospitals and clinics
Educational institutions
nursing homes
Gymnasiums, stadiums and various recreation departments
Spas, Beauty Centers and Beauty Facilities
Replacement of health practitioners
Reiki Practitioner
Commercial organizations – supermarkets, shopping malls, exclusive agents, chain stores, mass sales, star hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, pharmacies.
Financial organizations – banks, securities, funds, insurance companies, pawnshops.
Non-profit organizations: telecommunications, post offices, hospitals, schools.
Public places – subways, airports, stations, gas stations, toll booths, bookstores, parks, exhibition halls, gymnasiums, museums, convention centers, ticket offices, human resources markets, lottery centers; real estate: apartments, villas, offices, commercial buildings, model homes, real estate agents.
Entertainment – cinemas, gyms, country clubs, clubs, massage rooms, bars, cafes, internet cafes, beauty parlors, golf courses

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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |