metatron machine is what?

What is Metatron?
Metatron is a revolutionary computer-non-linear scanner that provides extremely accurate diagnosis of any energetic disturbance within the person. Once the Metatron locates energetic disturbance, it continues to seek for the root cause of the disrupted energy flow – to cellular level and even to chromosomes and gene level also.
What is Metatron Hunter NLS Scanner?
Metatron HunterThe Metatron Hunter Scanner (4025) is an advanced non-invasive diagnostic device, based on cutting-edge technology developed in Russia. It employs Bio-Resonance or NLS-diagnostics to scan and assess the functional state of the body.
Utilizing the latest in non-linear analysis, it detects abnormalities at the tissue-, cellular-, chromosomal-, DNA helix-, and molecular level. All aberrations can be corrected using the Metatron 4025 Hunter’s integrated treatment system. Metatron scans all the body systems in a single session, creating 3D images of the organs and systems.
Metatron HunterA Non-Linear Full-Body Analysis System developed in Russia. This is currently the only FDA-approved device of its kind. It uses Biofeedback to examine all the body systems in a single session and represents the data in 3D images. The test is easy to perform, the software interface is user friendly and most importantly the results are detailed and reliable.
Information from a Metatron Analysis Includes:
Nervous system
Cardiovascular system
Digestive system
Muscoskeletal system
Respiratory system
Endocrine system
Urinary system
Reproductive system
Identification of allergens
Genetic evaluation of disease predisposition
Detection of various infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, fungi & parasites
Monitoring of treatment and rehabilitation
Evaluation of stress adequacy in sports
Database of individual treatment options
Conditions Treated With Bio-resonance Therapy:
Allergies ADHD Acute Infectious Diseases Bronchial Asthma Autoimmune Diseases Degenerative Organic Diseases Rheumatic Diseases Arthropathy Gynecological Disorders such as: – Painful Menstruation , Hormonal Imbalance , Pre-natal Treatment Immunodeficiency of varied origin Post-Vaccine Complications Intoxication and Toxic Stress Headache and Migraine Mycotic and Parasitic Disorders All Types of Pain Neurodermatitis and Eczema Sports Injuries Metabolic Diseases Pre and Postoperative Treatment(s) Secondary Viral Disorders Urological Disorders Etc….
The Meta-Therapy frequency treatment
The brain will receive a signal regarding the need to test one or more organs of the body, which signal is displayed on the computer monitor and is captured in the headphones of subject. The signal represents a series of electromagnetic oscillations characteristic of healthy organs. Every human body possesses its own particular spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations. The question regarding the state of the health can be explored, and in response to a question, the subject’s brain provides an answer, which is then perceived by the sensors. The outcome represents the state of the body organism.
What is metatron Correcting actions:
Preparation making
What is metatron nls test 9 systems
Nervous System
Cardiovascular System
Digestive System
Musculoskeletal System
Respiratory System
Endocrine System
Urinary System
Reproductive System

18D NLS ANLYZER, Hunter 4025, Hunter version 25D NLS, Metatron 4025, Metatron 4025 NLS ANLYZER
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