Metatron nls analyse more info Here Quick Way to Get

How does Metatron nls analyse work?
Through QUANTUM LIFE Company LLC, the official representative of Romania, at the UMF Bucharest Institute of Applied Reishi (IPP) in Omsk, Russia
The Omsk Institute of Applied Reishi (IPP) has created a survey system, of which there is no analog in the world called Metatron, which can track any condition of the human body through changes specific to the vibration of the human tissue. The Nonlinear Analysis System (NLS) is the most advanced information engineering of this century and can be considered the most outstanding and beneficial implementation of modern natural science. The Metatron diagnostic system is based on magnetic field spectrum analysis of any biological subject. It is unique and incomparable in the world today.
The Device Metatron developed by PPI can generate specific neuronal neuroelectric activity, thereby potentially selectively amplifying hard-to-detect statistically fluctuating signals and thus isolating and decoding the information they contain. Thus, instead of the “pulse” that emits the radiation, the device Metatron decodes it and displays it on a computer monitor, where a virtual model of the organ is represented in a specific color. In addition, the software provides a three-dimensional projection of internal organs for the doctor’s Metapathia model. The points marked by color are located on the drawing and can aid the pathological process more precisely. By comparing the dynamics of change over time, it is possible to explain the decay process of biological structures and establish prognosis by comparing the distribution of colored dots on a virtual human scanning model.
In order to be able to determine the pathology of a particular area, it is necessary to investigate the depths until the disease outbreak is localized.
The diagnostic system Metatron was developed on the assumption that the human body has electromagnetic information printing and can respond to external stimuli from the electromagnetic body.
How to read the Metatron nls analyse 6 color test report?
The signal is entered into the database for matching and then the following different scenarios are displayed
1 – Normal state.
2 – Standard conditions
3 – Restricted status.
4 – State of serious illness
5 – Weak state.
6 – Anomalies
(subhealthy state)
What are the advantages of our new system, Metatron nls analyse ?
Adapted to the new continuous scanning system developed for the Z-Series high-performance multidimensional nonlinear scanners (supernatants), which greatly improves the reliability of research.
-The speed of research has increased more than 5 times.
– The main feature of Metatron nls analysis is the “multidimensional virtual scan”, which can be viewed sequentially through histological and cytological sections, chromosomes and in depth, to automatically locate tumors, foci of hereditary diseases and reveal the causes of their appearance at the genomic level. DNA fragment
First introduced in the “Metatron nls analyse” software.
-The anatomical, tissue, and cytological structures unique to all Homo sapiens species, including ultrastructure.
-Spectrum of minerals and gemstones, which allows the selection of a gemstone for permanent carrying or application of lithotherapy based on individual biocompatibility – treatment of an organism through the spectrum of mineral radiation.
-It is possible to evaluate not only human tissues, but also the ultrastructure of microbial agents, viruses, worms, Rickettsia, toxoplasma, and to track which parts of the bacterial cell are affected by various antimicrobial agents.
-The “iridodiagnostics” and “auricolodiagnostics” modes.
-Consider choosing homeopathic medicines that are effective.
-Introduction of the “smart filter” function, which allows easy and quick automatic selection of spectral processes and drugs, taking into account the process topology.
-Much expanded database of medical products, dietary supplements and homeopathic medicines.
Where does Metatron nls need analyse ?
Anyone interested in quickly and efficiently checking the health of patients, clients, friends, family or employees can use Metatron nls analysis. Accurate analysis is what drives our company and no matter who you are or what you do, you will be well informed by the information you gather from the Metatron nls analysis equipment and everyone you work with will be well informed.
Keep in mind that information is gathered at the cellular level and the advantage of this diagnostic method is that it is found before anything is proven.
Those who fall into any of the following categories will be welcomed, advised and used and will benefit from the use of Metatron nls analytical biofeedback devices.
Family doctor – the device detects and monitors the expression of genetic disorders in all family members
Clinical and medical units – greatly improving the efficiency of clinical examinations and initial admissions. Significantly reduces financial costs and time. The physician is exempt from routine and frequent formal work. Without referring your client to another specialist, you can help them by examining all of their concerns and offering treatment and rehabilitation methods.
Educational facilities and schools – the ability to become a truly continuous monitor of the health of all children and staff, and to assess the health status of students not less than once a month.
Sports, recreation centers and fitness facilities – objective medical monitoring is required when performing strenuous exercise. The device allows us to consider the characteristics of the organism to create individual programs.
Family and Friends – Dolma Metatron nls analysis is a great tool for monitoring the health of family and friends. A way to provide screening, treatment and rehabilitation without spending a lot of money on health care services.
Cosmetic and spa salon – focused on the health of the client – a very competitive trump card. An objective assessment of the client allows for the selection of a personalized cosmetic plan with considerable results.
How to get the Metatron nls analyse price?
We are offer Top brand Newest Metatron nls analyse supplier,We can offer OEM Metatron nls analyse and software services.We can delivery to worldwide ,iF You need the Metatron nls analyse best factory price.Contact now!
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