metatron nls diagnostic

What is the Metatron nls Diagnostic NLS?
Metatron nls Diagnostic NLS machien is a database analysis system for pathomorphology, microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, pharmacology, organ preparation, nutritional drugs and clinical medicine.
main function
1. Human detection function
Detectable systemic 12 systems, hundreds of organs, glands, cells … The predictive report of thousands of diseases, the entire body list of 120,000 ensures accurate detection. Clients can see trends in their current and past organ health and tissue cell viability for the next 3 to 5 years.
2. Item (commodity) analysis function
It is possible to analyze whether food, health care products and other items have an effect or damage to the human organism, so as to mediate a balanced state of life.
3. Maintenance handling function
It has an energy spectrum of repair and restorative functions, up to the early stages of the disease or before its formation, and is particularly useful as an adjunctive therapy for pain point repair.
Over 5000 tests of spectral standards
B # Biochemical homeostasis
C # Pathological Morphology
D # Allergen
E. Microbiology and health
F# Homoeopathy
G # Homeopathy
H # Physiotherapy
I. Health food and pharmaceutical preparations
J # Food
K # Osteopathic treatment
L # trace elements
M # Therapeutic Beauty
N # Bach Flower.
O # Bach Flower Extract
S7 SAHARARA meridian: VC + VG
S6 AJNA meridians: MC + TR
S5 VISHUDHA meridian: P + GI + Sk + Sd
S4 ANAHATA meridians: C + IG
S3 MANIPURA meridians: F + VB + Fd + Advertising
S2 SVADHISTHANA meridians: R + V + Al + Ly
S1 MULADHARA meridian: RP + E
Mineral indicators
vitamin (loanword)
Vitamins and vitamin-like substances
SANUM: vitamin, antioxidant, minimum level
Vitamins and vitamin-like substances
vitamin schedule
Homoeopathy (vitamins and minerals)
Total supplements (vitamins and minerals)
Common vitamins and trace elements
emotional matrix
Homoeopathy (vitamins and purenelemente)
Wait a minute…
Metatron nls Diagnostic devices can test
Complex analysis of all organs and systems of the human body
cardiovascular system
gastrointestinal tract
genitourinary system
musculoskeletal system
Bronchopulmonary system
endocrine system
Vision and hearing aids/organs
nervous system
No interference with blood biochemical analysis.
Organ and systemic infections – viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, worm infections, etc.
(Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, Giardia, Trichomonas, Chlamydia, urea plasma, etc.)
Qualitative assessment of hormone levels, adrenal, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, gonads
immune level
allergy diagnosis
Medical testing (individual drug selection)
chromosomal diagnosis
Laboratory analysis (blood counts, biochemical parameters, hormones, trace elements)
Treatment of pathological processes identified by bioresonance therapy (meta-therapy).
Treatment of LITHOTHERAPY (minerals selected separately for spectral frequency)
Fear, emotional matrix, relational matrix, etc…
The chakras are the electromagnetic field that surrounds each living being and is manifested in the physical field by charged objects that represent themselves as the different colors that surround the human body. This electromagnetic field can provide information about the emotional state of the person, the quality of consciousness, and can determine the level of health regarding individual organs and organ systems.
How to get the Metatron nls Diagnostic?
We are the Metatron nls Diagnostic manufacturer,we sale the Metatron nls Diagnostic to Metatron nls Diagnostic,we can delivery to all the worlds by dhl,ups,offer OEM,if you need the Metatron nls Diagnostic,please contact us.100% happy shopping and support Returns.

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