metatron software

What is Computer nonlinear diagnosis ? what is metatron software ?
V.I. Nesterov
Nonlinear Diagnosis System (metatron software) have been extensively used lately and are gaining ever growing popularity. Even in the few cases where the clinical symptoms look very typical the metatron software diagnosis method provides extra information about the extension of affection and enables to judge a prognosis.
metatron software
oberon metatron software
metatron technology software
In most cases it is of vital importance for diagnosis and consequently for the right choice of treatment. In 2000 it had been 20 years since Theodore Van Hoven developed the theory of quantum entropy logic that underlies the method. So nonlinear diagnosis appears to be the newest of all methods, of apparatus diagnostics. At any rate, his discovery became a significant landmark in diagnostic medicine. Nonlinear analysis was originally employed in organic chemistry to determine the composition of complex compounds. The originator of the metatron software-diagnosis apparatus (Metatron) is acceptably thought to be Sviatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov who introduced a trigger sensor in 1988 and thus framed the conception of the apparatus. Active work was immediately started to develop and improve metatron software-diagnosis systems. Clinical testing of the early equipment marked a period from 1990 through 1995. In the late 90s there was a fast growth in commercial apparatus production and a sudden leap in the quality of the results produced. The nonlinear diagnosis method is still in its developing stage. The diagnosis techniques are being improved so fast that the system versions have to be updated every six months. Due to the introduction of some new devices equipped with digital trigger sensors the metatron software-diagnosis has become not only far more time efficient but also quite different in terms of quality. Apparently, some dynamic techniques, for instance three-dimensional visualization of investigation results will soon be introduced into everyday practice. The vegetative testing is just one example of ready adoption. The method is employed so widely that it implies a definite range of indications for its use rather than just its popularization. Research centers go on with their guest for some new investigation methods based on nonlinear analysis systems. The results appear to be quite promising. Unlike NMR and computer tomography, the metatron software- analysis does not need high intensity fields. The method seems to have good prospects for metabolism study, particularly on a cell level. The advancement of the metatron software-method proceeds along the path not only of technical innovations but also of new applications. Some minor surgical operations, biopsy for one, have been long monitored by ultrasound, fluoroscopy or computer tomography. Today there is an opportunity to have biopsy monitored by metatron software. However, many surgeons focus their attention on using this method to perform major surgery. The cost of equipment for metatron software- diagnosis is still very low as compared to some other apparatus methods. This is supposed to promote more extensive use of the method in countries with a rather low standard of living. Of all methods of apparatus diagnostics the metatron software one provides a representation closed to a pathologic anatomic picture. This circumstance, along with innocuousness, promotes rapid development of the metatron software- diagnosis.
Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP) – Ascending into the XXI century D.V. Koshelenko, S.A. Letun
The development of a new generation of nonlinear computer scanners (Metatron), which make use of multidimensional virtual imaging of the object under investigation, has enabled to substantially enhance the effectiveness of the metatron software-Method and even expand its field of application, despite the competitiveness from MRT. The distinctive feature of multidimensional metatron software imaging is an initially volumetric nature of scanning. The data thus received are an integral array, which facilitates the reconstruction of multidimensional virtual images of anatomical structures of the object under investigation. In this connection the virtual metatron software is widely used, especially for angiographic investigations with a three-dimensional reconstruction of vascular formations. Another prospective field of application of the three-dimensional image reconstruction based on the data received by means of multidimensional metatron software is the study of hollow organs with “virtual metatron software-Scopy” involved. This kind of system was developed by Medintech Company for its high-speed multidimensional nonlinear scanners, Z series, and was called Hunter. Hugh resolution maintained during spiral scanning and the use of LAPP system (a system parallel processors with super high computational capability and speed of operation) enable to realize in the project the principle of “virtual metatron software-scopy” at Voxel Z multimodal DICOM- compatible work station which is the principal system of imaging and ubsequent data processing with Medintech scanners. metatron software images are made ready for visual analysis by means of 4-d Tissue original company-developed method that makes it possible not only to obtain virtual multidimensional icons of anatomical structures but also to single out a specific biological tissue of interest-an extra dimension-and in addition make an imaged bones, soft tissue and vessels at a time. The specific characteristic of the representation of virtual data by the Hunter system is simultaneous of surfaces of cavatus and extramural formations located outside the lumen of the cavity under examination (lymph nodes, vessels). The images that are received form a natural sequence of virtual metatron software pictures. So some special navigation programs automatically define the path of motion of the “virtual scanner” by the center of the cavity under examination. The path of motion can be chosen by the operator by means of some other adjustments, which enable to specify the metatron software picture in detail by changing of views. A raised representation of the cavity surface is also possible with some deliberate areas of shade involved. The produced sequences of metatron software pictures can be easily transformed into a standard VHS video format by means of the epi-Clien program and thus be used in common video systems, specifically in teleradiology. The Hunter system is in the first place designed to reveal patients having obstructive processes in the upper respiratory passages, bulky esophageal, gastric or colonic formations, atherosclerotic lesions o large vessels, and disorders affecting paranasal sinuses, bladder, or spinal canal. The data gathered through “virtual metatron software-scopy” enable to pick out in good time the optimum spot for biopsy and find out the extent of the required surgical intervention. This technique can be used both independently and as a useful linking element between tomographic, endoscopic and metatron software investigations. The latest development of Medintech Company is Pincers stereo tactic manipulator integrated with a computer scanner, a convenient device for planning interventional procedures under the control of metatron software. Pincers comprises a controlled stereo tactic manipulator (“arm”) and a flat gentry-mounted monitor and also a cable system and software. The system provides the physician with means of simulation and performing interventional procedures through interactive linkage between the virtual metatron software and the real operational field.
Method of computer nonlinear analysis and its importance for diagnosis
V.D. Artyukh, U.A. Shovkoplyas, A.A. Gavrilov
Computer nonlinear analysis (metatron software) as a dynamic noninvasive informative method is being used more and more widely to examine the state of health affected by pathologies of different origin. metatron software can be applied both in vivo (to get an metatron software-spectrum of one or another part of an organ or tissue) and in vitro (to get an metatron software-spectrum of extracts from tissues, biological fluids or cells); anyway, quite frequently both approaches can be combined for more accurate data interpretation. To perform metatron software at a clinic one will need devices producing an eddy magnetic field of at least 20-30 mT. The proceedings of the latest International Congresses of medical doctors (in 2000 and 2001) which dealt with new methods of diagnosis are indicative of a growing number of metatron software- investigations for the purpose of diagnosing – in 2000 16 investigations were reported to have been carried out while in 2001 there were reported twice as many of them. S.D. Tutin et al. informed about the possibility of using metatron software to diagnose abscesses in the encephalon. With an abscess in the encephalon the metatron software-spectrum during the biochemical homeostasis evaluation proved to detect signals from lactate and amino acids which disappeared in the course of treatment. The metatron software data in vivo correlated well with the results of abscess sample tests made by means of MRC with a high resolution in vitro. Using the metatron software-method one can trace the dynamics of metabolic change in the encephalon in treating epilepsy. Some data are available which indicate that it is possible to register a decline in oxidative phosphorylation in the muscles of the lower limbs with constricted vessels caused by arteriosclerosis. In the course of treatment the muscle metabolism appears to improve. Another trend in the application of the metatron software- method is its use to detect metabolic disturbance of phosphorergic compounds with muscular atrophy related to pathology in the musculoskeletal system. Some inviting prospects for myocardial infarction diagnosis by means of the metatron software-method were described by U.A. Shovkoplyas et al. who studied exchange in the myocardium. With myocardial infarction its level was shown to decrease. The metatron software-analysis method was used to study the dynamics of change in the metabolism of lipids in the liver affected by cirrhosis. The metatron software-investigation of the pancreas affected by malignant degeneration enables to diagnose tumor progression, judge of the efficiency of radiation- or chemotherapy and also adjust individual dosage schemes for inoperable patients. Moreover, metatron software is reported to be used to diagnose CNS disorders, cardiovascular diseases, muscular system disorders, prostate tumors, mammary gland tumors and in addition to monitor radiation- and medicamentous therapies. The researchers demonstrated the diagnostic importance of metatron software for arteriosclerosis, apoplexy, encephalomyelitis and vasculitis. metatron software enables to estimate the stage of a pathology and activity of a nidus, determine a relationship between genetic characteristics, clinical symptoms and metabolic deviations in the encephalon. metatron software helps to differentiate between benign and malignant tumors in the prostate by means of metatron software showed that the method enabled to identify a budding change in the gland tissue and pick out the appropriate therapy in good time. K.A. Kvasov et al. presented some data about diagnosing prostate diseases (histologically confirmed benign hypertrophy and Aden carcinoma among them) by combining metatron software and dynamic MRT with artificial “Magnevist” contrasting. According to the results, this kind of combination enables to specify the nature of a prostate pathology and substantially increases the diagnostic accuracy. Special attention has been focused of late on the study of liver metabolism by means of metatron software as a result of a growing number of transplantations of the organ (in Europe the annual number of liver transplantations is around 2000 and in the USA it is 10000) and as necessitated by a
noninvasive evaluation of the liver function in the course of implantation. The results indicate that it is expedient to use in these cases the metatron software-analysis as the ATF level in the liver represents an integral picture of cell homeostasis. There is a close correlation between the disturbed metabolisms of phosphorergic compounds and the extent of liver decompensation. Besides being used for diagnosing liver disorders in vivo, metatron software makes it possible to judge the state of the transplanted liver in vitro by getting the spectral characteristics of the organ’s metasodes. This is based on a good correlation between the pathological liver metabolism revealed by means of metatron software and the disease prognosis. The authors emphasize that metatron software enables not only to reveal pathological change in the liver but also to carry out monitoring of biochemical responses to the treatment. Summing up what has been said one can conclude that the expanding use of metatron software-analysis, including its combination with MRT with contrast intensification involved, in different fields of clinical medicine increases the efficiency and the diagnostic accuracy and is indicative of continual progress in the field of internal organ imaging techniques based on the metatron software-analysis phenomenon.
metatron software IPP history
he researches of the Institute succeeded in producing this most effective equipment that is capable of tuning to the frequency of the master pulses automatically without human intervention, as well as, detecting and correcting defects and pathologies in organs and body cell on its own. This is achieved through combination of different specifically modulated magnetic oscillations recorded on a matrix. The fundamental concept in the development of this equipment was the hypothesis that the human body has an electromagnetic information framework that is able to respond to external radiation.
In 1950 in Germany R. Folle discovered and worked out a system of electrically testing the acupuncture points of human body.
Unlike Folle’s electro-puncture diagnostic method in which the energy potentials of organs and systems are measured through biologically active points (BAP) which show the organ condition indirectly (often with considerable error), the NLS method of analysis developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics makes an evaluation of the organ condition directly due to the resonance amplification of the radiation signal of the organ under investigation using a non-invasive trigger sensor. Every organ and every cell has its own distinctive oscillations which are stored in the computer memory and can be displayed on a screen as a graph, which represents the conditions of the information exchange between the organ (tissue) and the environment. Every pathological process has its own distinctive graph.
The program contains lots of pathological processes’ graphs with all progressive stages shown with age, sex and other variations taken into account. After reading the frequency characteristics of biological object under investigation, the system compares the degree of their spectral similarity with healthy or pathology affected tissue or infection agency to obtain the closest pathological process or tendency. In case the processes are similar, virtual diagnosis mode allows carrying out of differentiated diagnosis of each process.
Another wonderful opportunity offered by NLS-analysis is medical testing. The system provides a unique opportunity of recording the frequency fluctuations of any preparation and adding them to the many thousands already held in database. The system then searches for a remedy that has the closest spectral characteristics of the pathological process and selects the most efficient remedy.
Even in those rare cases when clinical symptomatic is very typical, NLS diagnostic method allows seeing additional information about the amplitude of defect and judging about prognosis. In majority of cases it has principal significance for prompt prognosis and right treatment choosing.
The inventor of NLS diagnostic system (“metatron software”) is considered to be academic Svyatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov, who in 1988 invented a trigger sensor, and thus found the idea of the system.
Non-linear diagnostic method is still being developed. Methods are improved very fast, so the versions of the system are renewed every six months. By means of using of new systems with di
How does the Metatron NLS Work?
The Metatron NLS has a huge frequency library, which allows the probes on the head piece (trigger sensors) to send out signals to the selected body organs, cells or pathogens asking it to identify itself. Various conditions change the course of the metabolic processes in the cells thus initiating changes in oscillation of the cells.
Metatron allows three-dimensional scanning. It passes cellular cuts, tissue cuts, chromosome sets, separate chromosomes, and goes deeper to fragments of the DNA helix. The system records the frequency fluctuations of any cell/tissue/organ and adds them to the many thousands already held in the database for pathology (conditions) testing. Metatron then searches for a remedy that has the closest spectral characteristics of the pathological process and selects the most effective remedy.
The Metatron NLS Golden Dragon:
Generates computer models giving a three dimensional projection of internal organs.
Places coloured marks upon the 3D imagery to determine the site of the pathological processes and the level of degeneration.
Defines the condition in an area by investigating deeper levels in the organ, which is produced on the screen by the computer, until the pathology is localised.
Registers allergens such as from domestic animals and industrial allergens, and registers food sensitivities.
Shows all the human anatomical, cellular, and tissue structures including ultramicroscopic ones.
metatron software System REVIEWS
Dupuy Damien
My name is Damien Dupuy, electronic engineer, Taichichuan practitioner and Reiki Teacher.
The first time i tried the Metatron, i was in Taiwan to film clinical research on Reiki. The director of Wan Wha, Taipei hospital suggests me to test this equipment, which he his working with for few years to integrates alternative and conventional medicine. I am now (3 years later) operating this “without equivalent” equipment.
Ed Strachar
“My name is Ed Strachar. I am a Spiritual Healer/Author with thousands of testimonials on the efficacy of my method. I tested the metatron to see if physical changes can be mesured and it has shown effectively which organ and tissues improved..” It’s an effective machine at measuring the energy within a persons meridiens and organs. Damien Dupuy is a very competent and knowledgeable expert on this device.
Pamela Manning
I have had the biofeedback twice already and would highly recommend it. There was a month between sessions, so I could follow the recommendations given. Second session showed an increase in liver strength by 49%… brilliant.
Victor Singh
My name is Victor and I am an American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer and Health Coach and Siam Reiki Master Teacher. I have refer clients to this Diagnosis in order to find the right nutrition for them. Part of my service include suggest the best nutrition and nutrition plans for them for the best outcomes. Since some of them have allergic reaction to some food it is best for them to know what is best for them and make them meet their goals easier without any delay. The result, they meet their goals in weight loss faster and also are physically stronger quicker too.
Florence Wildemann
I tried it as it was highly recommended to me a few times. It was very interesting to see how much information you can get (organs, tissues, allergies, diet, ideal sports…). I followed the advices given to me and I did a follow up 2 months later. We noticed an improvement of 35% to 50% on certain organs without taking any medicine. So yes I would definitively recommend it!
Katherina Dreith
My mom and I both tried the bio-feedback. I found this treatment so interesting because it was so precise on which organs had weakness and which foods to eat. Although I did not have any serious issues it did put this semi-hypochondriacs mind at ease. My mom has dealt with more chronic and acute symptoms which the diagnostic accurately discovered and treated. A month later after a medical check-up, all symptoms were miraculously healed. She truly believes it was the bio-feedback machine which helped her. Thank you very much Damien and please continue to help others.
Sera Shivnan
I first heard about the Metatron device over a year ago from Siam Reiki whilst I was in Bangkok learning my Level 1. Since then, I’ve been intrigued ever since to learn more about this “medicine of health” and moreover have my turn! As an ACE personal trainer and now a Siam Reiki Master, I’m a huge believer in preventive and complementary medicine and so I couldn’t wait to get the opportunity for my health check-up. My first treatment with Damien on the Metatron was back in June, a bacteria was detected in my body which was affecting a number of organs from functioning to their full capacity. Within 5 days of having my treatment and having had my “metatherapy”, I did a follow up check-up which detected that the bacteria had completely disappeared. Last week, almost two months later, I followed up once more. It showed a huge improvement in the majority of my organs that had been previously affected, most of which are now functioning normally. I am thrilled and very grateful to Damien to share his knowledge of this equipment in Shanghai!
metatron software 5 advantage
1)ABSOLUTELY SAFE AND USER FRIENDLY,The metatron software Rough Diagnostic device will not cause any harm or discomfort to the patient’s health.ABSOLUTELY SAFE AND USER FRIENDLY,The metatron software Rough Diagnostic device will not cause any harm or discomfort to the patient’s health.
3)Free of Radiation
4)No Internal Probing
5)No need for medical tests*
metatron software Diagnostics compared with other methodologies
NLS-diagnosis 64, 4%
MRI 23, 4%
Average accuracy of diagnosis by comparing clinical research results on 5 areas: Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Gynecology and Endocrinology.
METATRON software NLS Fakes
List of unfair distributors and falsifiers of non-linear diagnostics devices and/or software*.
List of unfair distributors and falsifiers of non-linear diagnostics devices and/or software*.
The name of a device and/or software. | The name of unfair manufacturer/distributors (natural or juridical person), address. | Manufacturer’s country | Territory of distribution |
METATRON | Russia | Russia | |
Iceberg | Russia | Russia | |
AURUM, Oberon, Sensitive-Imago | Russia | Russia | |
Biolaz-Oberon/Dianel | Russia | Russia | |
DIACOM | Russia | Russia, Taiwan, Columbia and other countries. | |
VECTOR | Russia | Russia and other countries. | |
Biospect | Switzerland | Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux and other countries. | |
Vitasscanning | Germany | Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux and other countries. | |
METAscan | Germany | Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux and other countries. | |
ETAscan | Austria | Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux and other countries. | |
INTROSPECT | Russia | Russia | |
OBERON | Russia | Russia | |
OBERON | Russia | Russia | |
OBERON | Ukraine | Ukraine, Russia | |
OBERON | Poland | Poland | |
Ateron S-25 | Taiwan | Taiwan | |
ORION | Russia | Russia | |
Physiospect Spiral MK-5 Onchousouchi MK-5 | Russia | Russia Japan | |
NewScan-SW | Russia | Russia Japan | |
Bioplasm-NLS | China | China, Chile, Spain and others countries. |
Who need use the metatron software?
Doctors and medical practitioners
Sanatorium resorts
Fitness centers and spas
Medical Clinics
Oriental Medicine Centers
Sports Medicine Specialists
Diagnostic rooms
Scientific research centers
Distributors of phytopreparations and dietary supplements
metatron software video

18D NLS ANLYZER, hunter 4025 knowledge and news, hunter 4025 nls driver and software, Hunter version 25D NLS, Metatron 4025, Metatron 4025 NLS ANLYZER
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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |