metatron test

What advantages Metatron Test 4025 Hunter?
– adaptation of a brand new system of continuous scanning developed for high-performance multidimensional non-linear scanners (Metatron Tests) of Z series, thus reliability of researches is increased greatly.
– Research speed is increased more than 5 times.
– The main peculiarity of Metatron Test 4025 Hunter is ‘multidimensional virtual scanning’ that allows automatically localize a nidus of tumor, hereditary diseases and reveal a reason of its appearance at genome level, by sequential passing through histological and cytological sections, chromosomes and going deeper to fragments of DNA
Introduced for the first time in ‘Metatron Test 4025 Hunter’ software:
– all peculiar to Homo Sapiens species anatomical, histological, cytological structures including ultramicroscopic ones.
– spectrums of minerals and gems, it allows to select according to individual biocompatibility a gem for permanent carrying or apply lithotherapy – healing treatment of organism by mineral radiated spectrum.
– a possibility to evaluate not only tissues of human organism, but also an ultra structure of microbial agents, viruses, helminthes, rickettsia, toxoplasms and trace on which parts of bacterial cell various antimicrobial medications influence.
– ‘iridodiagnostics’ and ‘auricolodiagnostics’ modes.
– selection of homeopathic medications with potency taken into consideration.
– introduced ‘Smart-filter’ function for handy and quick automatic selection of spectral processes and medications with process topology taken into account.
– Database of medical products, food supplements and homeopathic remedies significantly extended.
How does Metatron Test work?
After completing the analysis, Metatron Test Non Linear Scanner stimulates body’s healing process by using Metatherapy (sometimes referred to as “Meta-Therapy”). In effect Metatherapy is stimulating the target area with appropriate resonate frequencies, in fact re-energizing the targeted are whether cells or organ. The Metatron Test scanner records the condition of the treatments and allows the practitioner to compare the before and after changes. This way the Metatron Test makes it easy for the practitioner and ‘patient’ to be well informed about the progress and effectiveness of the therapy.
How to choose the non-linear diagnostics systems?
Carefully read contents of booklets, brochures and web-pages. Pay special attention to information about distributor/manufacturer of offered products. Information materials that you have must indicate name of a company, name of a responsible person from that company, legal address, contact phone numbers and electronic addresses, in EU countries – tax payer number and registration information.
If you have contact information of such company communicate with staff of this company and make sure that such company really exists.
Ask distributor/manufacturer of a product about history of its creation and development – for example: who created the product, where and when it was clinically tested, what models were produced in the past and what models are planned to be produced, etc. Try to check received information.
If distributor/manufacturer refers to the IPP, LLC or to Mr. Vladimir Nesterov as authors of non-linear diagnostics systems who presumably could have given to this distributor/manufacturer a right for manufacturing and sales of such systems, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
If prices are given in US dollars or other currency in spite the fact that distributor/manufacturer is located in EU in Euro currency zone or given prices are much lower that usual price for similar products of other manufacturers, we recommend you to ask distributor/manufacturer for more detailed information with reasons of currency choosing or price quotation. Try to check received information.
Make sure that distributor/manufacturer has all necessary authorizations and admissions issued by state bodies of his country.
Make sure that system that you want to purchase has all necessary authorizations and admissions for your country, if those are missing we recommend you to obtain information about how to get such authorization in your country.
Prior to purchase get binding offer from distributor in which description and delivery set of offered equipment must be listed. The following document must be given to you together with a device:
passport of manufacturing plant,
user’s manual,
When you buying a system with “Metatron” trademark with software similar by appearance and name to products of the IPP, LLC or at a price much lower than market price or not from authorized representatives of the IPP, LLC or if you have any other doubts, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
When you buying a system from other manufacturers and with other trademarks, distinct from “Metatron™”, containing however software similar by appearance and name to products of the IPP, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
If price includes training courses on system handling, make sure that distributor/manufacturer or any other authorized by him person has necessary competence and experience. It is advisably to get recommendations from persons graduated from such training courses. The same rules are applicable for separate training courses, extension courses, etc.
If your lecturer refers to authorization for holding of training courses from the IPP, LLC but he is not an authorized distributor of the IPP, LLC, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
We wish you every success,
How Metatron Test Meta therapy work?
The cells from a tissue have the capacity of emitting bio-fields, with the same physical characteristics.
They resonate with great ease, thus a tissue or a functional organ is characterized through the synchronicity of its cells.
They can enter into resonance with any other interior or exterior
field, if their physical dimensions are compatible. These fields are malleable, hence their preservation and edification participates mostly to the dipole water molecules.
The limits of variability are thus not great.
Water molecules constitutes the essential elements in the edification and malleability of the cellular bio-field. These molecules are structural, yet their alteration in any way leads to the death of the cellular system, as a group “with a single element” from the crowd theory.
Through the influence of the bio-fields, water molecules can form spatial structures, which are engrams of the principle bio-field. Water can form as many engrams as fields that exist in the universe.
Isolated and photographed water crystals by Japanese researchers leave no doubt in this sense.
A similar structure acts as a liquid crystal containing the
information and the vehicle of information. The information contained in a water crystal can be “read” by any structure that possesses the capacity of recreating the initial generator field.
The decoding is a resonance process, while the resonator can be placed at a distance of the codifier.
The capacity of generating fields is general, but certain cells, such as neurons, possess a “high specialization”.
Some of these fields function at low frequencies, between 4 and 12 Hz.
The fields with frequencies over 150,000 Hz are just intuited and not characterized as having a physiological significance. The capacity of generating these fields is characteristic of all cells derived from the neural tube, including the endocrine cells. Homeostasis is genetically inscribed as a hologram in all the decisional areas of the central nervous system (CNS), somatic or vegetative.
From this point of view, any diseased state is a different hologram, outside the admissible limits of the normal hologram.An abnormal hologram tends to be corrected by the neuro-endocrine coordination. The incapacity of correcting, regardless of the cause (central or peripheral), leads to the appearance of clinical disease.
The afferent and efferent signs have intermediary states on their trajectory, which function as resonators. The primary signal interferes with the signals received from the resonators, the result being a modulation in frequency, of a wave impulse type.
The Metatron Test device intercepts certain characteristics of the biofield, such as the electro-magnetic type.
Thus, received information is compared with the stored data in the memory and suggests the similitude of modified fields in certain disease states.
In fact, the equipment performs a spectral analysis of the magnetic field of any biological structure.
The fundamental principle in the development of the equipment is as follows: the human organism has an informational electromagnetic imprint that is capable of interfering with external electromagnetic stimuli.
A tissue that emits a cellular frequency that is characteristic of the individual who is tested.
Finally, the system stabilizes the grade of similarity with a standard cell/tissue, healthy or pathologically modified.
The Metatron Test device also has the capacity of generating corrector fields that act as similar pattern as the ancestral ones, including the individual’s genetic code.
These corrector fields can have an action upon the following:
On the superior nervous centers and endocrine glands
On the resonators
On the cells, tissues and organs
Thus, the applied “electromagnetic treatment” can correct the electromagnetic behavior of the treated tissue, thus it can bring back the biochemical reactions to a level that corresponds to a normal tissue.
How long is the appointment?
Your first scan and consultation with your Metatherapy Practitioner will last approximately one hours. Subsequent consultations will also vary depending on your needs from half an hour to an hour. As each individuals health, conditions and needs vary, the required appointment lenght may vary also. If you wish to know a more exact estimate, please discuss this at your first consultation with your Metatherapist.

18D NLS ANLYZER, Blog, Hunter 4025, hunter 4025 nls driver and software, Hunter version 25D NLS, Metatron 4025, Metatron 4025 NLS ANLYZER
metatron test
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