NLS Diagnostik vs Metatron matron NLS: Which is Better?
Oberon NLS Diagnostik vs Metatron matron NLS Features
What is Oberon NLS Diagnostik?
The device works on the principle of amplification of the iniciated signals with the disintegration of metastable structures. By influencing external electromagnetic fields the magnetic moments of the molecular currents in the centers of the cortex nerve cells are loosing their authentic orientation. This causes faulty adjustment of eddy structures of delocalized electrons which lead to formation of unstable metastable states. Disintegration of such state acts as iniciated signal. Expressed physically this device is system of the electronic oscillator which oscillates at appropriate wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. Its energy corresponds to the energy that degrades dominant bonds that maintain structural organization of biological objects in a good condition.The device can cause a bioelectric aktivity of the brain cells so it is possible to selectively amplify signals in the background, which compared to static currents, are hard to detect. Information concerning specific temporal condition of organs and tissues are gathered on the basis of non-contact sensor that was developed using modern information technology and infrasonic circuits. This sensor reveals hardly detectable fluctuation of signals, which are filtered from sound fields and subsequently converted into a digital sequence where they are processed by a microprocessor and, using the interface cable, transferred to a computer.
What is Metatron hunter nls?
Automat Series * THE WORLD’S BEST HEALTHCARE APPARATUS * Latest Professional Metatron NLS System * Metapathia GR Hunter NLS Bioresonance For Full Body Scanner,Bio-Resonance and NLS Analysis of the Human Body Including Therapy, Remedy Preparation, Nutrition Suggestions and Supplement Testing,Metapathia GR Hunter Software Analyzer scans up to 1432 organs and tissues on a cellular level, with 4012 digitized spectral etalons of preparations and processes.rofessional hunter 4025 metatron nls full body body system,Note: This machine comes Without Laptop; and The Language available: English. German ,Russian,Get more details ,please send mail to me,professional hunter 4025 metatron nls full body Main function:
The main feature of Metapathia GR Hunter software is function called “Three-dimensional Scanning” which allows to localize automatically a nidus where tumor appeared,heritable diseases, etc. and to find the reason of appearance at genome level, passing one after another histological cuts, cytological cuts, chromosome sets,separate chromosomes, and go deeper to fragments of DNA helix.The Metapathia-GR Hunter software can operate only with the telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing apparatus “Metatron” and its subsequent modifications.
The telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing device is compatible with the IBM-type PCs and intended for studying reaction of a biological object to different types of the informational impact. “Metatron” allows correlating the measurement process with the process affecting it and performs the following operations:
1) It measures J (0) which mirrors the change of the describing parameter, and the entropic potential relative to its initial value;
2) It transforms continuous signal J (0) with the preset intervals of frequencies into a histogram (a row of numerical values of scanned frequencies with serial numbers from 1.8 to 8.2 Hz.);
3) It sends the current W values to PC and displays the graph on the monitor simultaneously with its impact on the examinee.
4) It accumulates the W value in its memory unit, if observing the histogram is more convenient upon completion of the measurements;
5) It issues the scale-correlated commands required for regulating the effect on the examinee at testing;
6) It transmits the W values from the unit into PC memory upon completion of the measurements and saves them in unit memory of prior to the beginning of recording data of the next measurements.
Oberon NLS Diagnostik vs Metatron matron NLS software
Oberon NLS Diagnostik software
Metatron matron NLS software
Obiner NLS Diagnostik vs Metatron matron NLS Exterior
Oberon NLS Diagnostik images
Metatron matron NLS Exterior
18D NLS ANLYZER, Oberon, Oberon NLS
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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |