Treating the patient without adverse effect is possible by correcting the electric patterns of the biological object.
Dr. M.Gheorghiu, Dr. T.Trandafir
How Metatherapy work:The cells from a tissue have the capacity of emitting bio-fields, with the same physical characteristics. They resonate with great ease, thus a tissue or a functional organ is characterized through the synchronicity of its cells. They can enter into resonance with any other interior or exterior field, if their physical dimensions are compatible. These fields are malleable, hence their preservation and edification participates mostly to the dipole water molecules. The limits of variability are thus not great. Water molecules constitutes the essential elements in the edification and malleability of the cellular bio-field. These molecules are structural, yet their alteration in any way leads to the death of the cellular system, as a group “with a single element” from the crowd theory. Through the influence of the bio-fields, water molecules can form spatial structures, which are engrams of the principle bio-field. Water can form as many engrams as fields that exist in the universe. Isolated and photographed water crystals by Japanese researchers leave no doubt in this sense. A similar structure acts as a liquid crystal containing the information and the vehicle of information. The information contained in a water crystal can be “read” by any structure that possesses the capacity of recreating the initial generator field. The decoding is a resonance process, while the resonator can be placed at a distance of the codifier. The capacity of generating fields is general, but certain cells, such as neurons, possess a “high specialization”. Some of these fields function at low frequencies, between 4 and 12 Hz. The fields with frequencies over 150,000 Hz are just intuited and not characterized as having a physiological significance. The capacity of generating these fields is characteristic of all cells derived from the neural tube, including the endocrine cells. Homeostasis is genetically inscribed as a hologram in all the decisional areas of the central nervous system (CNS), somatic or vegetative.From this point of view, any diseased state is a different hologram, outside the admissible limits of the normal hologram.An abnormal hologram tends to be corrected by the neuro-endocrine coordination. The incapacity of correcting, regardless of the cause (central or peripheral), leads to the appearance of clinical disease. The afferent and efferent signs have intermediary states on their trajectory, which function as resonators. The primary signal interferes with the signals received from the resonators, the result being a modulation in frequency, of a wave impulse type. The Metatron device intercepts certain characteristics of the biofield, such as the electro-magnetic type. A tissue that emits a cellular frequency that is characteristic of the individual who is tested. On the superior nervous centers and endocrine glands Thus, the applied “electromagnetic treatment” can correct the electromagnetic behavior of the treated tissue, thus it can bring back the biochemical reactions to a level that corresponds to a normal tissue. | Clinical results:Randoms spectacular results obtained by metatherapy: • Reduction in thedimensions until disappearance of benign tumors (ovarian cysts, uterine fibromes, fibrocystic mastopathy, synovial cysts). • Maintenance of a disuresis of 500-1000ml/24 hours (isostenuria), of a hemodyalized patient for a year and a half. • 3 year treatment of a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia (associated with chemotherapy with Glivec). • Partial restructuring of cardiac valves (reduction of a mitral insufficiency) • Rapid biliary drainage; treatment of reno-vesicula lithiasis. • Stabilization of certain forms of viral hepatitis (B and C), without conventional therapy.The work presents 3 clinical cases with unique results through metatheraphy: Multiple sclerosis, deep and superficial venous thrombosis of the lower limb on a patient with congenital hypercoagulation, fungoides mycosis in the state of cutaneous lymphoma of the T cell type. The first two cases have presented with spectacular remissions after several sessions of metatherapy, remissions that have been stable for at least a year. 1. Case MRI cranio-encephalic with contrast medium on 06.03.2009: MRI cranio-encephalic with contrast medium on 26.01.2010 (after 6 metatherapy sessions and 2. Case: ECHO DOPPLER – venous inferior limb 04.02.2009 Left inferior limb ECO DOPPLER – venous inferior limb 27.05.2009 Four (4) sessions of metatherapy were actualized, in the conditions in which anticoagulation therapy was deemed efficient for at least 6 months. 3. Case: The patient presents on 11.01.2007 for evaluation through telemetric non-linear analysis (Metatron method), being already diagnosed with fungoides mycosis in the presence of a T cell cutaneous lymphoma. The patient decided herself to quit the interferon therapy in 2007 due to the adverse reactions that she could no longer tolerate. In the period from 2007 and May 2010, the patient did not present with significant modification of the hemoleukograme and other hematologic tests that were performed. Also, secondary changes of the internal organs did not manifest. |

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