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Metapathia Hunter 4025

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How to Check for Parasites Using the Metapathia Hunter 4025Metapathia Hunter 4025 The Metapathia Hunter 4025 by MAIKONG CO. LTD is a highly advanced diagnostic tool based on non-linear bioresonance scanning technology. Developed with cutting-edge analysis capabilities, this device offers non-invasive health assessments, detecting parasites, bacteria, and other pathogens …
Why We Use Metapathia Hunter?Metapathia Hunter & Metatherapy history The scientific pioneer Royal Raymond Rife first discovered this in the early 1920’s. Since then however it has taken many decades of dedicated study and research into the frequency of matter that now enables scientists …
hot selling Original software nuclear magnetic resonance metatron nls 4025 health scanner  Type:Clinical Examination Aids, Clinical Examination Aids -NLS Bioresonance Brand Name:MK-, MK- 25D NLS Model Number:DM4025, DM4025 hunter Place of Origin:TX, US (Mainland), TX, US Support O.S:Window xp,window vista,window 7 Win8 (32&64 bit) Language version:English,Spanish,Italian,Cech,Russian,Germany,others Optional Pack Color:silver Metapathia GR …