The Bad Girls’/Boys’ Guide to metatron 4025 hunter

What is metatron 4025 hunter function,working principle?
What is metatron 4025 hunter function,working principle?
The entropic logic theory provisions allow stating, that in biological systems at pathological processes some unstable (metastable) states may occur, at which the probability of system destruction increases greatly. The hardware-software system «metatron 4025 hunter» functions on the principle of amplifying of the initiation signal at disintegration of metastable systems.
From the physical point of view «metatron 4025 hunter» represents a system of electronic oscillators, resonating on a length of a wave, the energy of which is adequate to the energy of destruction of the predominant links supporting the structural architecture of the examined organism.
The hardware-software system developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics generates the preset bioelectric activity of neurocytes of brain, amplify selectively the signals usually hardly noticeable against statistical fluctuations, and finally to retrieve and decode the information containing in them. Equipment in a certain manner «takes the bearings» of such emissions by place of their origin in order to decode and record the on a computer screen where the virtual model of an organ is created in certain colors.
If, in accordance with the Quantum–entropic logic theory, you present entropy values of any system as colors of spectrum, such colors will vary from light yellow (at minimum entropy values) through orange to red and purple, almost black (at maximum entropy values). Finer theoretical calculations allow to single out a number of stationary conditions corresponding to a certain entropy potential.
The system includes two expert subsystems, showing quantitative character of right- and left-hand polarized spins vectors ratio relating to both separate models of an organism (the first subsystem) and separate fixed points on a specific models (the second subsystem).
The basis of the first expert subsystem functioning is a study of biological response of a certain region of an organism (from single molecule of protein to the whole organism) to a standard modulating frequency range (1.8 – 8.2 Hz) in the context of each of two vectors prevailing – right- and left-hand polarized spins. It allows to get a set of 18 information points (9 points of right-hand polarized spin and 9 points of left-hand polarized spin).
These points are ranged in relation to inversed image of a white noise as a carrier frequency, with maximum amplitude of 256 Db. Combinations of these 18 points in relation to the mentioned amplitude, stated in relative units calculated to two decimal places, are highly-specific. To ensure optimal perception by a user, these points are linked together to form diagrams (diagrams of color Fleindler’s scale). A diagram of right-hand polarized spin is shown in red color, left-hand polarized – by blue color.
The studies have proven that for certain functional types of organism’s cells, each modulating frequency is a central harmonics among other 8 modulating frequencies.
Comparing of real objects images with corresponding models of organopreparations (etalons of the optimum) allows to detect the most pathologically changed systems and organs in the whole organism. Blue diagram of left-hand polarized spin shows a degree of functional activity of the analyzed object, when red diagram shows degree of its restorability.
Graphical representation of researched models is the main expert subsystem of the device and it provides acquisition of the maximum of diagnostic data.
The second expert sub-system is the analysis of fixed points located on studied models. It allows to evaluate a degree and a vector of right- and left-hand polarized spins (torsion fields) balance of a separate point, and thus to present the model in a structured fashion, in other words to detect pathologically changed areas and areas maintaining the function of the researched model.
To fulfill this goal we use a matrix of 6 possible phase states, with the initial first phase state representing an ideal quality of physiological systems.
Therefore physiological phase states of compensatory capabilities are within the range of 1 – 3 phases, pathological ones from 4th to 6th phase.
Taking into account above mentioned conditions, we created software database containing models of optimal states of organs, tissues, cells, chemical and biological molecules, images of stable pathological conditions, models of helminthes, animalcules, microbes, viruses, allergens and food products.
Computer models give us a multidimensional image of internal organs in any required perspective. The color icons placed on the image, allow us to locate pathological process on a model of an organ. By comparing the color gamma of the icons and their location on a computer model of an organ, and also their change dynamics, one can judge about the processes of destruction of biological structures and give health condition forecasts.
In order to specify the pathology area a user investigates mutidimensional and scalable models of organs, rendered by a computer on a screen until he localizes a pathological locus with an utmost accuracy.
Instructions/How to Use: MetaPathiaGR HUNTER Nonlinear Bioresonance Diagnotics – identifies bioplasmatic function and structure, predicts future structional and functional pathology and can direct more conventional diagnotics such as genetic, blood, urine, functional medical, toxicologic and structural radiological investigations. It can therapeutically rebalance the bioplasma function of the body to promote a zone of compensation toward healing, regeneration and termination of the illness state.
Ingredients: MetaPathia Nonlinear Bioresonance with Hunter Function advanced non-linear software and hardware and support services for use and diagnotics.
The author owns the following certificates:
– – United States Patent “DIAGNOSTIC APPARATUS WITH BIOFEEDBACK FOR DIAGNOSTICS OF PATIENTS” No.: US 2010/0081959 A1 from Apr. 1, 2010
– The Institute of Practical Psychophysics has completed FDA registration No.: 3009475597 for a medical device with biological feedback.
– The Institute of Practical Psychophysics has successfully completed certification for compliance with requirements of ISO 9001:2000 for design, development, manufacturing, sales and servicing of bio-resonance diagnostics devices on March 15, 2007, in Bureau Veritas Certification (BVQI) certification body with accreditation in UKAS (GREAT BRITAIN), ANAB (USA), DAR (GERMANY): accreditation in 31 countries, including Japan and countries of Southeastern Asia, Canada.
– In 2007 the IPP successfully completed certification audit by TUV Rheinland Group for compliance with requirements of international standard ISO 13485:2003, medical directive 93/42/EEC MDD Annex V and European Union regulations – CE.
– In 2013 The Institute of Practical Psychophysics has successfully completed re-certification for compliance with EN ISO 13485:2010 “Medical devices – Quality management systems” EN ISO 13485:2012 (No.: MD583050 from 21.01.2013) and MDD 93/42/ЕЕС – Medical Device Directive (Certificate No.: CE583051 from 25.04.2013) in British Standards Institution.
– In Russia hardware-software system metatron 4025 hunter in registered in State register of medical equipment by Federal department of healthcare and social development supervision. Registration certificate issued in August 19, 2005, medical technology called “Method of screening diagnostics with hardware-software system metatron 4025 hunter” was approved on December 29, 2006.
metatron 4025 hunter: What is it and how it work?
metatron 4025 hunter: What is it and how it work?
The Metatron is composed of an interface, helmet and a resonance chamber.It is operated through a computer and a software.The software contains all frequencies of the organs and other parts of the body and allows to make comparisons and corrections.Mr Nesterov with a presentation model
The patient seats in a chair without crossing his legs and arms.The helmet placed on the head emits and receives signals from the brain and organs electric activity.These signals are not audible.Every organ has an electromagnetic code and the computer will analyse each one of them on automatic or manual mode.The Metatron will establish a health card allowing to correct electromagnetic imbalances and recommands naturopatic treatments.Metatron is a unique analyse and diagnosis system which shows if the organs and tissues are healthy or not.
metatron 4025 hunter parameter
metatron 4025 hunter parameter
ardware cpu Frequency:5.3GHz
Cores : Advanced Eight-core processors
The detection speed is very quick.
Average time of scanning: 2-3 seconds.
More advanced, has a large database
Defines in more detail the diagnoses.
The best pre-clinical diagnostic device
The most practical model for Clinical version
It can detect all the problem zones in a patient’s organism using
its non-invasive methods.
Do not set up the screen resolution of 1024X768
Support O.S Window xp,window vista,window 7 Win8 win8.1 (32&64 bits)
8D NLS Language :(Optional)English,Spanish,German,
Russian,Korean,Japanese,Chinese ect.
Name 8D NLS health analyzer
Language English,French,Spanish,Italian German, Chinese
Advantage Whole body diagnose and recover
Generation Newest
Certificate CE SGS
System available Win2K/XP / 2003 / Vista/Win7 (32 bits and 64 bits) / Win 8/Win10
Software Original
Color Silver
OEM Available
Accuracy 95%
Accessories Main machine,manual,USB line,Test earphone,Test cup,USB KEY
What is metatron 4025 hunter?
What is metatron 4025 hunter?
In approximately five minutes, the metatron 4025 hunter can simultaneously detect and record information about the individual client’s stress reactions.
The device is a highly complex computerised program with electrodes attached by wires to the ankles, wrists and forehead which measure and feed frequency information between the device and the body. It has the ability to quickly see what is affecting you within the body and the environment.
The metatron 4025 hunter reveals a client’s voltage, amperage, resistance and other electrical calculations which may be important indicators of wellness.
Information about reactions to over 11,000 subtle stress related signatures and physiological parameters are also reported for client education.
How can the metatron 4025 hunter help to improve my health?
The metatron 4025 hunter functions in a multitude of ways, it can send signals to measure and record electro-physiological reactions to a multitude of items, re-educate certain muscles, nerves or organs or it can retrain areas of the body / mind to healthier patterns.
In other cases, it can invert certain signals which seem to be closely associated with a stress pattern.
The metatron 4025 hunter is by far the most comprehensive biofeedback system on the market today. Pre-designed stress reduction protocols may be used, or programs can be designed to meet the specific individual needs of each client. There are hundreds of different training programs that may used back-to-back in limitless combinations to obtain optimum results.
WHAT IS metatron 4025 hunter?
WHAT IS metatron 4025 hunter?
New software “metatron 4025 hunter” was created on the basis of “Metapathia GR Clinical” software and include all its features, etalons and functions.
In addition to features of the previous versions, new software version include a number of new 3D models in Full HD:
– Internal organs
– Skeleton
– Muscles
– Blood circulatory system
– Lymphatic system
– Nervous system
– Heart
– Cardiac chambers
– Cardiac vessels
– Cardiac conducting system
– Lungs
– Teeth
– External ear
– Chakras
New etalons databases «metatron 4025 hunter» program:
– body types
– parasites and helminthes
– homeopathic preparations by HEEL Company
New functions were added:
– “Wide Vision” – allows performing of segmentation, zooming and detailed reconstruction of separate studied anatomical structures. At the same time the studied object is moved to the center of a screen and other structures, preventing complete all-round visualization, are shaded.
– “Multi Vision” – allows getting of not only virtual multidimensional images of anatomical structures, but to highlight bones, soft tissues, vessels and nerves as well (four-dimension color-coded NLS-data). The advantage of this feature is acquiring of accurate image of topographic-anatomic interrelation of tissues, vessels and nerves of a studied region, which increases quality of image perception.
Also this feature allows quick, detailed and zoomed studying of separate anatomical structures, including tissues, vessels and nerves in 4D interactive rendering format.
The new software’s “Alternative diagnostics” section offers evaluation of 7 chakras on the Fleindler’s scale, in addition to evaluation of 14 Chinese meridians, auriculodiagnostics and iridodiagnostics.
Using 12-point Fleindler’s scale, these software versions allow evaluation of catabolic (Yin-related) processes, accompanied by absorption of information. These are proliferative and degenerative-proliferative processes (benign and malignant tumors, polyps, miomas, mastopathy), which were extremely difficultt to diagnose with devices of previous generations (“Metapathia GR Hunter”, “Metapathia GR Clinical”, “Red Dragon”).
Optional equipment and possibilities of new software for improved stereoscopic visualization of 3D models, allowing to create an immersion into investigation effect and provide a better understanding of diagnostics results by means of connection to any 3D screen with polarised glasses where organs model will be shown. The device shows on a TV screen a high-quality stereoscopic image of examined organs, therefore increasing visualization quality of examination results.
New software versions allow to identify six stages of an illness development: psychophysiological, energoinformational, neuroendocrine, endotoxic, symptomatic and terminal. At the first three stages an illness is considered easily curable, at the fourth – curable, at the fifth – hardly curable, at the sixth – incurable.
New generation of software supports Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese Traditional, Chinese simplified and Japanese languages.

18D NLS ANLYZER, Hunter 4025, hunter 4025 knowledge and news, Hunter version 25D NLS, Metatron 4025, Metatron 4025 NLS ANLYZER
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