What (Historical Person’s Name) Can Teach Us About metatron 4025 clinical price

metatron 4025 clinical price Specifications?
metatron 4025 clinical price Specifications?
Software Works with a few different/latest softwares Internal generator frequency 4,9 GHZ Incoming signal filter + Resonance chamber + Anatomic structures accuracy 85-99% Histological virtual models 98% Package Contents
1 Main Device.
2 Magnetic inductor.
3 Scanner with trigger gauge.
4 Coupling cord to PC (USB) .
5 Technical data sheet.
6 User’s guide.
7 The software (DVD).
What is metatron 4025 clinical price?
What is metatron 4025 clinical price?
Skin Tissue Analysis on the metatron 4025 clinical price Golden Dragon
The metatron 4025 clinical price is a non-invasive, safe and cost effective piece of scientific health research equipment. Metatron is able to trace any condition in the body through changes in the resonance of tissues. Every object, small or large has its own individual frequency or oscillation. It vibrates at a different frequency from any other substance. Metatron can detect and match the frequency of any human body part, cell, microbe, chemical or organ.
What Advantage of the metatron 4025 clinical price the softare?
What Advantage of the metatron 4025 clinical price the softare?
Introduced For The First Time In ‘metatron 4025 clinical price’ Software:
• All Peculiar To Homo Sapiens Species Anatomical, Histological, Cytological Structures Including Ultramicroscopic Ones.
• Spectrums Of Minerals And Gems, It Allows To Select According To Individual Biocompatibility A Gem For Permanent Carrying Or Apply Lithotherapy – Healing Treatment Of Organism By Mineral Radiated Spectrum.
• A Possibility To Evaluate Not Only Tissues Of Human Organism, But Also An Ultra Structure Of Microbial Agents, Viruses, Helminthes, Rickettsia, Toxoplasms And Trace On Which Parts Of Bacterial Cell Various Antimicrobial Medications Influence.
• ‘Iridodiagnostics’ And ‘Auricolodiagnostics’ Modes.
• Selection Of Homeopathic Medications With Potency Taken Into Consideration.
• Introduced ‘Smart-Filter’ Function For Handy And Quick Automatic Selection Of Spectral Processes And Medications With Process Topology Taken Into Account.
• Database Of Medical Products, Food Supplements And Homeopathic Remedies Significantly Extended.
Treatment With metatron 4025 clinical price:
metatron 4025 clinical price shows in which development stage the disorder is in and if the process is acute or chronic. Furthermore with a new added function it is possible to determine how the disorder will develop in the future. This allows to discover if a therapy is suitable or if the body can solve the problem by itself.
metatron 4025 clinical price determines not only the type of disorder but also identifies the severity of the disorders. After the measurement, the metatron 4025 clinical price can treat the client with the function META Therapy, Phytotherapy, Stone Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy and Iris Therapy.

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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |