What is metatron system?

What is metatron system?
What is metatron system: diagnostic system?-metatron system is a revolutionary computer-non-linear scanner that provides extremely accurate diagnosis of any energetic disturbance within the person. Once the metatron system locates energetic disturbance, it continues to seek for the root cause of the disrupted energy flow – to cellular level and even to chromosomes and gene level also.
The first device of its kind in the world! An informative, portable, user friendly device, to suite the medical demands of today.Developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, the metatron system rough diagnostic medical device boasts world class software, capable of scanning a patient without harmful effects, producing information within a matter of minutes. metatron system’s accuracy in finding acute and chronic processes, as well as predispositions towards certain illnesses, is an outstanding 79.9%. It is the world’s smallest and portable medical diagnostic device, with enormous applications and extensive database, making it able to be used anywhere!
metatron system makes it possible to examine all body systems without exceptions in a single session
NLS Diagnostics compared with other methodologies
NLS-diagnosis 64, 4%
MRI 23, 4%
Average accuracy of diagnosis by comparing clinical research results on 5 areas: Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Gynecology and Endocrinology.
is a medical device approved in the
is a bioresonance device which uses the method of diagnostics NLS
It is produced by the Institute of Psihofizica Practice (IPP) in Omsk, Russia
at the moment it is the most advanced system of diagnostics by bioresonance
It is portable, lightweight, non-invasive and painless
NLS diagnostic method is based on the notions of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Ayurvedic, quantum physics, biochemistry, etc.
It’s fast and secure (within an hour it can assess the health of the patient’s body without using other devices, i.e. is a miniclinica)
minimum maintenance costs, it does not require consumables, excellent reliability.
How metatron system work?
All the information about the state of your body is delivered to the brain. We use special trigger sensors which are shaped as headphones in order to connect to it. Furthermore, we use cutting-edge software in order to obtain this data, to decode it and to create an onscreen display in the form of three-dimensional models of organs, tissues and cells.
After completing the analysis, metatron system Non Linear Scanner stimulates body’s healing process by using Metatherapy (sometimes referred to as “Meta-Therapy”). In effect Metatherapy is stimulating the target area with appropriate resonate frequencies, in fact re-energizing the targeted are whether cells or organ. The metatron system scanner records the condition of the treatments and allows the practitioner to compare the before and after changes. This way the metatron system makes it easy for the practitioner and ‘patient’ to be well informed about the progress and effectiveness of the therapy.
NLS Diagnostics is the reading, processing and analysing of information discerned from the output of electromagnetic waves issued by the human body, making it possible to define the character, origins, and degree of potentially harmful processes. The metatron system decodes this information during a diagnostic session, and can also roughly forecast future health dynamics.
Scanning is accomplished by means of magnetic inductors, which are special trigger sensors capable of measuring the state of cells in the human body, as well as the activity of bacteria, parasites, and other infectious agents inhabiting it. metatron system targets the subcortical brain – the largest repository of information about the ongoing process within an organism.
Information received during a short diagnostic session is reformed into a digital signal, which is subsequently decoded and analysed by metatron system’s unique medical software. metatron system’s software database contains a total of over 10,000 spectral etalons of various preparations, illnesses and specifications.
All the information about a state of your body (spectral-entropic code)
Is delivered to a brain and analyzed.
metatron system system uses special trigger sensors to tune to resonance frequency of a control signal of a researched organ, then it reads the information , decodes it and displays on a screen in a form of threedimensional models of orga ns, tissues, cells and their organelles.
NLS Diagnostics aims to obtain information about the state of a patient’s health using a unique medical computer-software package. The data about an objective state of body tissues, cells, and hormones, are transmitted in real time, and are instantly decoded in the form of specific diagnosis and recommendations.
All the information about the state of the patient’s health is transmitted to the brain. Special trigger sensors in the form of magnetic inductors shaped like headphones are used to obtain this information. Unique medical software decodes the data, and displays it on a computer screen in the form of three dimensional model images of organs, tissues, and cells. A specific marker system is used to highlight pathological conditions.
How Accurate is the metatron system?
A lot of patients ask – how accurate is the metatron system Body Scanning?
Below we have selected three patient case studies to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of Metatron in monitoring a patient’s health progress.
Case Study 1.
An Invisible Cold Sore and What Happened Next.
The metatron system has detected a pathogen on the patient’s upper lip on the left hand side.
Image 1. Metatron has detected a pathogen on the patient’s left upper lip. Note the black spot on the upper lip. Let’s investigate this further.
A closer investigation of the skin in that area has revealed a Herpes Simplex Type 1 infection, also known as a cold sore. At this stage the patient did not have any physical presentation of a cold sore, just a little tingling.
Image 2. A deeper investigation of the skin on the patient’s upper lip. The metatron system has detected the Herpes Type 1 Virus (a cold sore). Nothing is physically visible at this point of time.
A vibration of the Herpes 1 virus was detected by the metatron system and through a ‘Destructor mode’ available on Metatron the virus has been weakened
Image 3. A vibration of the Herpes 1 virus was detected by the metatron system and the pathogen has been weakened via the ‘Destructor mode’.
The patient was also dispensed a herbal tonic to treat the virus. However, she was not convinced that she had the virus. Four hours later she rang me and advised me that a cold sore “came up” to the surface.
ase Study 2.
Parasites and Pet Lovers.
It is not uncommon for all pet owners to have parasites and in particular the parasite Microsporum Canis in a patients’ hair, feet, legs or on other parts of their skin.
In the case of this patient, Microsporum canis parasites were detected by the metatron system in her hair, on her scalp , feet and other areas of the skin.
Image 5 and Image 6. The Microporums Canis parasite detected by the metatron system on the scalp, hair, feet, lower legs and groin.
Some lifestyle changes were recommended such as sanitising hands before eating and using an antiseptic shampoo and body wash.
ase Study 2.
Severe Hair Loss.
A 60 year old Female has presented fatigue and severe hair loss.
The metatron system has detected markers of an underactive thyroid and the presence of the Ebstein Barr virus in the thyroid tissue.
Crystal Healing was completed and a homeopathic remedy was formulated on the metatron system. This was followed by dispensing herbal and nutritional supplements.
Within just 3 months of the combined treatment with Metatron and Naturopathy there was 36% improvement in the patient’s thyroid function and she had stopped losing her hair.
Within the next few months, the patient has recovered completely and she has regrown her hair.
Crystal Healing on the metatron system.
The metatron system is available at the DH Natural Medicine Clinic, Sydney.
Why metatron system?
What Advantages Of Our New System Metatron System?-• Adaptation Of A Brand New System Of Continuous Scanning Developed For High-Performance Multidimensional Non Linear Scanners (Metatrons) Of Z Series, Thus Reliability Of Researches Is Increased Greatly.
• Research Speed Is Increased More Than 5 Times.
• The Main Peculiarity Of Metatron System Is ‘Multidimensional Virtual Scanning’ That Allows Automatically Localize A Nidus Of Tumor, Hereditary Diseases And Reveal A Reason Of Its Appearance At Genome Level, By Sequential Passing Through Histological And Cytological Sections, Chromosomes And Going Deeper To Fragments Of Dna Molecule.
1)ABSOLUTELY SAFE AND USER FRIENDLY,The Metatron System Rough Diagnostic device will not cause any harm or discomfort to the patient’s health.ABSOLUTELY SAFE AND USER FRIENDLY,The Metatron System Rough Diagnostic device will not cause any harm or discomfort to the patient’s health.
3)Free of Radiation
4)No Internal Probing
5)No need for medical tests*
Introduced For The First Time In ‘Metatron System’ Software:
• All Peculiar To Homo Sapiens Species Anatomical, Histological, Cytological Structures Including Ultramicroscopic Ones.
• Spectrums Of Minerals And Gems, It Allows To Select According To Individual Biocompatibility A Gem For Permanent Carrying Or Apply Lithotherapy – Healing Treatment Of Organism By Mineral Radiated Spectrum.
• A Possibility To Evaluate Not Only Tissues Of Human Organism, But Also An Ultra Structure Of Microbial Agents, Viruses, Helminthes, Rickettsia, Toxoplasms And Trace On Which Parts Of Bacterial Cell Various Antimicrobial Medications Influence.
• ‘Iridodiagnostics’ And ‘Auricolodiagnostics’ Modes.
• Selection Of Homeopathic Medications With Potency Taken Into Consideration.
• Introduced ‘Smart-Filter’ Function For Handy And Quick Automatic Selection Of Spectral Processes And Medications With Process Topology Taken Into Account.
• Database Of Medical Products, Food Supplements And Homeopathic Remedies Significantly Extended.
Treatment With Metatron System:
Metatron System shows in which development stage the disorder is in and if the process is acute or chronic. Furthermore with a new added function it is possible to determine how the disorder will develop in the future. This allows to discover if a therapy is suitable or if the body can solve the problem by itself.
Metatron System determines not only the type of disorder but also identifies the severity of the disorders. After the measurement, the Metatron System can treat the client with the function META Therapy, Phytotherapy, Stone Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy and Iris Therapy.
Where need use the metatron system?
Doctors and medical practitioners
Sanatorium resorts
Fitness centers and spas
Medical Clinics
Oriental Medicine Centers
Sports Medicine Specialists
Diagnostic rooms
Scientific research centers
Distributors of phytopreparations and dietary supplements

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