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3d metatron 4025

3d metatron 4025

3d metatron 4025

201808121210136850 201808111209176964

what is 3d metatron 4025?

3d metatron 4025 Diagnostics-3d metatron 4025 diagnostics (also known as metatron NLS analysis) is a pseudoscientific biofeedback procedure, which the provider claims to be true miracle features as a diagnostic tool. Later, the method has also become known as Metatron diagnostics. In Germany, 3d metatron 4025 devices are distributed, inter alia, by the Hamburg company Metavital Service GmbH (Ljudmila Michajlova).

3d metatron 4025 diagnostics is also referred to as the NLS procedure (NLS = non-linear system diagnosis). It is a combination of biofeedback and electroacupuncture after full. Other designations or device names of analog devices are Metascan, Medicomat, Vitascanning, Etascan, Scenar, Vector, Lekomat or Imago AuRum. The devices should be based on the principle of nonlinear diagnostics and based on postulated changes in radiation levels in the body conclusions about individual cells and even chromosomes allow. They should be suitable for the diagnosis of diseases of all kinds. References to traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture are made. The devices are rented or sold in a franchise process including PC software and training. The prices range from about 5,000 to 30,000 euros.

Between the individual cells of a body there is a constant exchange of information. By means of photons (light flashes) this communication takes place over certain frequencies. Healthy bodies swing in a certain way. A body with disturbed energy flow vibrates differently. A disturbed cell communication leads to “moodiness”, unclear mood disorders, poor performance and later condenses to disorders of organ functions and pathological changes in the organ.
Diagnostic function of the 3d metatron 4025.

3d metatron 4025

3d metatron 4025

3d metatron 4025

3d metatron 4025

3d metatron 4025

3d metatron 4025

How 3d metatron 4025 work?

In a letter from the German TÜV Rheinland, the device is counted among bioresonance devices. Descriptions of a distribution company speak of a wellness or well-being product and literally: “We use terms such as illness, diagnosis, therapy, etc. only for a better understanding of the people who have become accustomed to it in accordance with today’s conventional medical nomenclature and have yet to have access to the new understanding of quantum physical possibilities for restoring natural well-being (analogous to the conventional terms of diagnosis and therapy or disease and health) and “Traditional scientific methods are therefore not suitable to provide proof of efficacy “The patient receives “organ-specific” signals via a special headphone. A sensor also located in the headphones measures the body’s response and uses a database to determine deviations from the “normal values”. In the patent to the 3d metatron 4025 device is the speech that the device is able to increase the “intuition” of the patient

WHY 3d metatron 4025?

1)3d metatron 4025 Non linear diagnostic system
2)body health analyzer
3)10 year scientific research
4)10 minutes,90% accuracy

Who need 3d metatron 4025?

3d metatron 4025 can be used by anyone who is interested in quickly and effectively examining the health of their patients, clients, friends, family or employees. Accurate analysis is the driving factor of our company and no matter whom you are or what you do, you will be well informed with the information you will gather from the 3d metatron 4025 device, and so will everyone you work with.Remember that the information is being gathered on a cellular level, and the beauty of this method of diagnosis is that before anything is manifested, it is found.

3d metatron 4025

3d metatron 4025

3d metatron 4025

3d metatron 4025

201807261207598858 201807251209244557



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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy
Sale Consultant : Mr Mark

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