What is metatron bioresonance?

What is metatron bioresonance?
About Metatron bioresonance Systems-The researches of the Institute have created an analogue-free investigation system, which allows tracing any conditions in the body through changes in the wave characteristics of tissues of the body. Non-linear analysis systems (NLS) are the most advanced information technologies available in this century and can be considered the most remarkable and advantageous accomplishment of modern natural science. The diagnosis equipment is based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic field of any biological object. It is quite unique and unparalleled in the world today.
The hardware-software system “ Metatron bioresonance” developed at the Institute of Practical Psychophysics enables a production of a preset bioelectrical activity of brain neurons, with this activity as a background it becomes possible to selectively amplify signals hardly detectable against the statistical fluctuations, and then isolate and decode the information they contain.
In a way “ Metatron bioresonance” system takes bearings of this radiation just where it originates in order to then decode and display it on the computer screen where a virtual model of the organ is produced in specific colors.
Computer models also give physicians a three dimension projection of internal organs. Colored marks placed upon the picture make it easier for the doctor to determine the site of pathological process. It is possible to judge the process of disintegration of these biological structures, and to make prognosis, by comparing the range of colors of the marks and their arrangement on the computer model of the organ, using the dynamics of their change over a period of time.
In order to define pathology in an area it is necessary to investigate deeper levels of the organ produced on the screen by the computer until the pathology nidus is localized.
The Metatron bioresonance® systems are based on the “non-linear system analysis” (NLS) and are in accordance with the MPG class IIa certified….
The researches of the Institute succeeded in producing this most effective equipment that is capable of tuning to the frequency of the master pulses automatically without human intervention, as well as, detecting and correcting defects and pathologies in organs and body cell on its own. This is achieved through combination of different specifically modulated magnetic oscillations recorded on a matrix. The fundamental concept in the development of this equipment was the hypothesis that the human body has an electromagnetic information framework that is able to respond to external radiation.
In 1950 in Germany R. Folle discovered and worked out a system of electrically testing the acupuncture points of human body.
Unlike Folle’s electro-puncture diagnostic method in which the energy potentials of organs and systems are measured through biologically active points (BAP) which show the organ condition indirectly (often with considerable error), the NLS method of analysis developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics makes an evaluation of the organ condition directly due to the resonance amplification of the radiation signal of the organ under investigation using a non-invasive trigger sensor. Every organ and every cell has its own distinctive oscillations which are stored in the computer memory and can be displayed on a screen as a graph, which represents the conditions of the information exchange between the organ (tissue) and the environment. Every pathological process has its own distinctive graph.
The program contains lots of pathological processes’ graphs with all progressive stages shown with age, sex and other variations taken into account. After reading the frequency characteristics of biological object under investigation, the system compares the degree of their spectral similarity with healthy or pathology affected tissue or infection agency to obtain the closest pathological process or tendency. In case the processes are similar, virtual diagnosis mode allows carrying out of differentiated diagnosis of each process.
Another wonderful opportunity offered by NLS-analysis is medical testing. The system provides a unique opportunity of recording the frequency fluctuations of any preparation and adding them to the many thousands already held in database. The system then searches for a remedy that has the closest spectral characteristics of the pathological process and selects the most efficient remedy.
Even in those rare cases when clinical symptomatic is very typical, NLS diagnostic method allows seeing additional information about the amplitude of defect and judging about prognosis. In majority of cases it has principal significance for prompt prognosis and right treatment choosing.
The inventor of NLS diagnostic system (“ Metatron bioresonance”) is considered to be academic Svyatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov, who in 1988 invented a trigger sensor, and thus found the idea of the system.
Non-linear diagnostic method is still being developed. Methods are improved very fast, so the versions of the system are renewed every six months. By means of using of new systems with digital trigger sensors NLS diagnostic becomes not only faster, but quality was increased also. It is obvious that dynamic methods, such as 3D visualization of research results, soon will be put into practice.
Differing from computer tomography and NMR, NLS analysis does not require fields of high intensity. This method looks promising for metabolism researches, especially at the cell level.
NLS method improved not only by means of introducing new technical inventions, but by new applications. Simple surgical manipulations, such as biopsy, for a long time carried out with the help of ultrasound, fluoroscopy and computer tomography. Now biopsy can also be controlled by NLS.
The cost of NLS diagnostic systems is much lower than the cost of other methods of hardware diagnostic. Comparing with other methods of hardware diagnostic, NLS allows getting picture closest to pathologoanatomic one. This, together with safety, promotes quick development of NLS diagnostic method.
What is can Therapy with Metatron bioresonance
Metatron bioresonance shows in which development stage the disorder is in and if the process is acute or chronic. Furthermore with a new added function it is possible to determine how the disorder will develop in the future. This allows to discover if a therapy is suitable or if the body can solve the problem by itself. Metatron bioresonance determines not only the type of disorder but also identifies the severity of the disorders. After the measurement, the Metatron bioresonance can treat the client with the function META Therapy, Phytotherapy, Stone Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy and Iris Therapy.The treatment is carried out on eight levels: the first on the molecule, and then the ultrastructure, DNA helix, chromosome, nucleus, cell, tissue, up to the entire organ, making it the very effective and successful. The user can observe the effectiveness directly on the screen. A comparative analysis shows the changes that take place before and after treatment.According to the same principles, Metatron bioresonance is capable of measuring oscillations of remedies such as food supplements, homeopathic remedies, etc. By means of this function, it can find the most efficient remedy for the patient. Metatron bioresonance can identify which therapeutic remedy works best and which burdens are present.
What is Metatron bioresonance scanning machines function?
Bioresonance testing using a medically certified diagnostic machine, allows the operator to determine which organs are being placed under stress. Based on this information, the diagnostic machine can recommend a variety of natural supplements and remedies which may provide a beneficial outcome based on mathematical calculations, given the pathological processes occurring in the patient’s body.
This innovative scanning machine can test the patient for thousands of etalons of vitamins, foods, toxins, minerals plus more.
What can Metatron bioresonance test for?
Whilst Metatron bioresonance devices are frequently used for allergy testing, this is just one of its functions. It can also be used to identify parasites, or toxicity infestations before they impact the function of the liver, typically resulting in allergic-based reactions. Once the machine has detected a parasite in the patients’ digestive tract, this can often be treated with diet and lifestyle alterations, remedies and natural supplements. Other conditions this machine can detect include:
Irritable bowel syndrome/constipation/bloating
Ear problems
Digestion problems
Unexplained tiredness
Mucus problems such as sinus congestion
What is Metatron bioresonance Testing Application Areas:
• Chronic-Degenerative Illnesses Of All Kinds, Autoimmune Diseases, Adjunct Therapy To Tumors
• Weak Immune System,Chronic Infections • Acute And Chronic Pain And Inflammations
• Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sleep Disorders, Depressions, Migraine, Psychosomatic Illnesses, Allergies, Eczema, Neurodermatitis
• Hormonal Disturbances, Menopausal Difficulties, Pms
• Old Age Illnesses • Pediatrics: Growth Problems, Behavioral Difficulties
• Spinal Symptoms:Back Pains, Pains In Joints, Tensions, Arthritis • Injuries,Bone
• Sports Medicine, Preparation For Competition

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