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bioresonance scanning device


bioresonance scanning device bioresonance scanning device bioresonance scanning device bioresonance scanning device

What is bioresonance scanning device?

Bioresonance is a technology solution that uses electromagnetic frequencies to detect pathologies, bacteria, viruses and parasites as well as toxins and other harmful substances. It can be used to reliably detect food intolerances, allergies of all kinds, to help with detoxification and is incredibly potent for treatments of addiction (to stop smoking, for alcohol abuse etc.)


What History Of bioresonance scanning device?

bioresonance scanning device is the field of energetic medicine that detects and works with electromagnetic frequency information generated by the body. Bio refers to a living organism and resonance means ‘to vibrate in harmony with’.

In his book “It’s Only Natural”, Dr. G. E. Poesnecker wrote:

“… Since the beginning of man’s existence on earth, he has pondered the nature of life itself. Even with all our great scientific advances, there is still no CONSENSUS on the basic nature of the life within us and other animate beings. The most generally accepted theories are based on the chemical and/or stimulative-inhibitive theory of existence. The most we can get from most authorities is that it may be of some value to regard life as the sum total of the properties and activities of a highly organized aggregate of various chemical compounds that we call protoplasm.

Among these properties they have called attention to irritability as a diagnostic property of a living body. Upon this Herbert Spencer based his classic definition: “Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.” Observation teaches us that this adjustment to environmental changes is possible only within narrow physiologic limits. For example, the human body can adjust itself to changes in external temperature only when these changes are very moderate. Viewed from this angle, they hold that life is the interplay between the organism and its environment by which the organism either adjusts itself to the environment or adjusts the environment to itself.

bioresonance scanning device

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bioresonance scanning device bioresonance scanning device

Such a definition tells only what life does; it doesn’t tell what life is. Unfortunately, such an attitude has frequently been the nature of science since its inception. When a scientist is incapable of explaining something, he describes what he sees, makes up a few Latin or Greek names for the rest to impress us and then goes on to something else. This is particularly true in medicine, where most of the tongue-twisting disease names have nothing whatsoever to do with the cause or true nature of the disease but are only the description of its most obvious symptoms in Latin or Greek.

Some researchers haven’t been satisfied with such smug descriptions of the nature of life. Some have listened to the voice of their conscience when contemplating the usual theories on the nature of life and have been able to see through the usual inane double talk couched in Latin and Greek, which all too often passes for scientific thought. They realize that much of the phenomena we encounter in living can’t be explained readily by the stimulus/response theory of life as put forth by their orthodox colleagues.

Surprisingly, many of these researchers have developed concepts similar to each other, even though their work has been accomplished without knowledge of their fellow investigators. All these studies have gone beyond the chemical or mechanical basis of life and have been carried into the molecular and atomic structure of matter. From this effort first developed an electrical, then an electronic, and finally a vibratory, or wave concept, of life and the activities carried out by the living subject.

Some of the most well-known researchers in this field were Dr. Georges Lakhovsky, Professor Jacques d’Arsonval (the discoverer of the meter movement that goes under his name), Dr. George W. Crile, Dr. Albert Abrams, Nicola Tesla and Ivan G. McDaniel (who advanced this theory into the psychological, mental, and spiritual spheres of human activity)…”

In 1925 Georges Lakhovsky, a Russian scientist, published a book called “The Secret of Life” in which he identified that every living cell emitted radiation (electro-magnetic signals) and that a cell’s nucleus acts as an electrical oscillating circuit similar to a radio transmitter and receiver. Lakhovsky was knowledgeable in both engineering and biology. It was the meshing of these two sciences that helped him prove his theories.

It had already been established by the 1920’s that invisible radiations were constantly bombarding the earth. Lakhovsky believed that these ultra short waves (sometimes called penetrating waves, at the time) were what gave us life.

Lakhovsky believed that each of our cells was a minute resonating circuit and when these circuits were oscillating correctly we or any living organism were healthy. When an outside source caused our cells to oscillate at a different rate then disease set in. In his book “The Secret of Life” Lakhovsky wrote, “What is life? It is the dynamic equilibrium of all cells, the harmony of multiple radiations that react upon one another. What is disease? It is the oscillatory disequilibrium of cells, originating from external causes. It is, more especially, the struggle between microbic radiation and cellular radiation.” He believed it was these radiations that kept our bodies oscillating correctly but too much or a distorted radiation would cause them to oscillate incorrectly.

Setting out to prove his theories, Lakhovsky felt that he could generate a practical application to enable the adversely affected cells to regain their full vitality by reinstating their proper oscillatory rate. Thus he invented the Multiple Wave Oscillator (originally called Radio-cellulo-oscillator). He felt that by giving the cells a wide range of oscillating waves that the cells would find their proper frequency and therefore become strong enough to fight off the improper oscillations of microbes or be strong enough to fight back from such damage as that caused by smoking.

bioresonance scanning device bioresonance scanning device

He initially proved his theory using plants. In December, 1924, he inoculated 10 germanium plants with a “plant cancer” that produced tumors. After 30 days, tumors had developed in all of the plants. He took one of the 10 infected plants and simply fashioned a heavy copper wire in a one loop, open-ended coil about 30 cm (12″) in diameter around the center of the plant, and held it in place with an ebonite stake. The copper coil acted as an antenna or a tuning coil, collecting and concentrating oscillation energy from extremely high frequency cosmic rays. The diameter of the cooper loop determined which range of frequencies would be captured. He found that the 30 cm loop captured frequencies that fell within the resonant frequency range of the plant’s cells. This captured energy and reinforced the resonant oscillations naturally produced by the nucleus of the germanium’s cells. This allowed the plant to overwhelm the oscillations of the cancer cells and destroy the cancer. The tumors fell off in less than 3 weeks and by 2 months, the plant was thriving. All of the other cancer-inoculated plants (without the antenna coil) died within 30 days. In his book, Lakhovsky shows pictures of the recovered plant after 2 months, 6 months, and 1 year. Three years later, with the original coil left in place, the plant grew into a very robust specimen. He tried this 3 different times and all three experiments produced the same results.

Since Lakhovsky’s belief was that living cells were tiny oscillators that were given life from penetrating radiation and the oscillation of these cells put off their own radiation, he proceeded with an experiment to find out if indeed the penetrating radiation was what caused the cells to oscillate or if some other stimuli such as chemical energy was responsible for sustaining this oscillation.

Dr. George Crile, in his book “A Bipolar Theory of Living Processes”, (Crile, George W.: “A Bipolar Theory of Living Processes”. New York, Mac Millan, 1926.) approached this subject from yet another point of view. The similarity between his conclusions and those of the other researchers in this field, however, is startling. For instance, Crile wrote, “It is clear that cellular radiation produces the electric current which operates adaptively the organism as a whole, producing memory, reason, imagination, emotion, special senses, secretions, muscular action, response to infection, normal growth and the growth of benign tumors and cancers-all of which are governed adaptively by the electrical charges that are generated by the short wave or ionizing radiation in the protoplasm.”

The human cell, as all matter in the universe, is composed of oscillating components known as atoms, which in turn are composed of particles called protons, electrons, neutrons, and positrons, among others. All these particles are in constant movement. The movement of the electron is especially great, as it rapidly circles this central mass of the atom in various bands, or orbits. The atomic structure is analogous to our own solar system, in which the sun represents the central nuclear mass and the various planets the encircling electrons.

In “Lamp of the Soul”, (McDaniel, Ivan G.: “The Lamp of the Soul”. Quakertown, Pa., Philosophical Publishing Co.1942.) Ivan G. McDaniel speaks of biologic wave systems that are vibratory interconnecting systems, that tend to hold a part or organ together for a specific functioning purpose. All this is based on the principle that the cell is an electromagnetic radiating entity. Concerning life on earth McDaniel says, “We may therefore picture life on earth as beginning with simple spores, or cells, which were built up by organizing wave systems when earth’s conditions were suitable for life to express in that manner. As conditions changed, the fertilized genes were incorporated into the cells, bringing physical and mental growth. When a new gene and its corresponding wave system is introduced into an organism, we would expect to find the new biological wave competing with the older wave for the same cell material, and this may explain the peculiar combination of plant and animal sometimes found in the earlier species. The balance of the activating hormone between the old and the new biological wave systems may flow back and forth until one gains control and eliminates the effect of the other by absorbing all the vitality.”

In 1970s, German biophysicist Fritz Albert Popp, Ph.D., investigated the relationship between coherence and the biophoton energy in our cells. Popp used highly sensitive light-measuring equipment to monitor the light emitted by living cells. He was able to confirm that living cells emit small bursts of light. He determined that cells do not just radiate light, they also absorb light. In fact, the storage time is relative to the quality of the cell. Therefore, a healthy cell will store light the longest, while an unhealthy cell will give off the light in a shorter time. He also discovered that the dying process of a cell is identical to that of a star. Shortly before its death, it will change into a supernova, whereby its radiation increases a thousand-fold, He further discovered that a healthy cell radiates coherent light, while a diseased cell radiates chaotic light.

According to Popp, every cell in our body receives coherent light, stores coherent light, and emits coherent light. The most basic sub-molecular component of our body is made up of particles of light called biophotons. These biophotons, traveling at the speed of light, make up the electromagnetic frequency patterns that are found in every living organism. This matrix or field of frequency oscillations or resonance specificity provides the energetic switchboarding behind every cellular function, including DNA/RNA messengering. Cell membranes scan and convert signals into electromagnetic events as proteins within the cell’s bi-layer change shape to vibrations of specific resonant frequencies. Every biochemical reaction is proceeded by an electromagnetic signal. Cells communicate both electromagnetically and chemically and create biochemical pathways that interconnect with all functions of the body.

Dr. Kikuo Chishima, Professor of the Nagoya Commercial University, Japan, and author of a nine volume collection of his research and scientific studies called “Revolution of Biology and Medicine: A New Theory on the Life Science and Its Practical Application to Health & Disease,” is best known for his studies demonstrating that the origin of red blood corpuscles is not the bone marrow but the intestinal villus, and that red blood corpuscles differentiate into all kinds of somatic cells and germ cells in accordance with their cellular resonant environmental conditions.

Dr. Kikuo Chishima theorized that the intestinal villi act like small antennae that absorb both nutrients as well as energetic or frequency information from the food we eat. These red blood cells or erythrocytes respond to specific biophoton oscillations and aggregate, fuse, synthesize DNA and differentiate into lymphocyte or mesenchymal cells. Dr. Chishima’s work offers some insight into current day quantum physics theories that remind us that at the sub-atomic level matter does not exist. There is only energy; bits of photons with lots of empty space around them. DNA has been thought to be the center of the definition of life. At closer inspection we find that DNA is made up of molecules, which are made up of sub-atomic particles and we end up back at the level of biophotons again.

bioresonance scanning device bioresonance scanning device

HOW bioresonance scanning device WORKS

The principles of Quantum Entropy Logic-NLS developed by modern day Russian scientists reveal that biological structures have a bioenergy field that includes magnetic vortex oscillations recorded on a matrix. Pathological biological processes have associated unstable magnetic vortex states (meta states). These same Russian scientists developed the technology to isolate and record the unstable magnetic vortex states associated with the corresponding biological processes. bioresonance scanning device-NLS is the most advanced Quantum Bioresonance Analysis and Therapy technology available today.

Assessment of the body is due to resonant amplification of the magnetic vortex states. Each organ has a specific, frequency range of magnetic vortex states, which are displayed in chart form. Any biological process, whether healthy or pathological has very specific magnetic vortex oscillations. These are stored in the computer memory and take into account the severity, age, gender and other characteristics of the subjects.

The bioresonance scanning device technology is classified as biofeedback technology. Data is collected by resonance amplification of the magnetic vortex states of the entire biofield matrix by using trigger sensors. By using a computer driven instrument in a safe, noninvasive, painless and effective way, information about the entire biofield matrix is displayed down to the level of the chromosome biofield.

The patient sits in front of the computer monitor and wears headphones for 15-30 minutes. During this time there is a collection of information about the state of his/her biofield. After this, various analyses are performed and summaries are displayed reflecting the energetic health of the patient. Color icons show various degrees of unstable magnetic vortex states displayed on the computer screens virtual model.
The holistic professional compares the computer displays to the similarity of the reference biofield processes (healthy biofield, altered tissue biofield, infectious agent’s biofield) and identifies the closest emerging biofield process or tendency.

At Energy Healing Arts we are dedicated to helping people restore their health, and prevent unnecessary degeneration, through the most advanced technology today. With a list of over 1000 biofield anatomy parts, detailed descriptions of every pathological biofield process, virus and bacteria biofields, suggested herb biofields, remedy preparation tool, Meta-therapy, and many other parts, the bioresonance scanning device is simply amazing in its accuracy and detail.

The ultimate goal will be to help you increase relaxation, relieve pain, increase cellular health and develop healthier, more comfortable life patterns while enhancing your biofield matrix. The changes and possibilities will be up to you and your practitioner.

bioresonance scanning device

Why we choose bioresonance scanning device ?

bioresonance scanning device Angel is able to protect the energy field of operator and thus, is suitable for doctors, therapists, naturopaths and other practitioners working in holistic medicine for use during diagnostics, bio-energetic testing and frequency compensation.

bioresonance scanning device Angel can also be used by all those who want to get rid of the negative impact of everyday electromagnetic smog. Cleaning our working and living environment from electromagnetic smog can help eliminate many of the health problems and contributes to remedy the psycho-social difficulties in the family and at work.

bioresonance scanning device Angel can even help harmonize your plants (home and garden) and also have a positive effect on your pets.

bioresonance scanning device Angel can reliably offset and then completely remove the adverse effects of geo-pathogenic zones, psychosomatic zones, water crisis, Curry and Hartmann bands, including electrosmog. In addition, it eliminates other negative influences that affect cellular structure of the physical body.

bioresonance scanning device Angel serves to improve the overall harmonization of the body and mind. As a result, it contributes to harmonizing family relationships, improving metabolism and the quality of sleep. It is important for cleaning home and work environments.

In practice, the bioresonance scanning device Angel device achieves excellent results, both by itself and in cooperation with bioresonance scanning device 500C (530C) and 100c (130c) when after deployment of bioresonance scanning device Angel, an overall harmonization and improvement of patient’s health status was observed.

bioresonance scanning device Angel is designed to generate and support a healthy environment in the room (at work and home conditions), which is achieved due to oscillations from gemstones and differently colored LEDs.

The frequency range in which the individual minerals “vibrate” is balanced according to the optimal focus that enables effective environment cleaning by bioresonance scanning device Angel.

It was established that specific minerals vibrating in their specific ranges are able to create a mutually supportive vibration that naturally tunes in the environment – be it geopathogenic zones or other influences which also vibrate in a certain frequency range. Based on this principle, it becomes possible to diminish the effect of negative vibrations and to establish a harmonious environment for a long, happy and healthy life full of energy.

What is specifically important for us is the use of bioresonance scanning device Angel in bioresonance centers where there is a permanent pollution of environment by all types of abnormal electro-magnetic effects, both residing in offices but also coming from clients. The result by bioresonance scanning device Angel is much less fatigue for therapists and more accurate work with bioresonance devices.

Effects from bioresonance scanning device Angel instruments are individual and depend on several factors. The first changes as a result of work of bioresonance scanning device Angel depend on the sensitivity and perceptions of each individual. Visible positive effects also depend on the severity of the disorder and its character. If the problem is acute, usually improving the state comes earlier than with chronic problems which need one to several months for a noticeable improvement.

Some sensitive individuals feel the first effects almost immediately. You can feel the atmosphere change in the environment (the feeling of a clearer air), a greater sense of relaxation.

Some individuals may experience a “adaptation period”. It is caused by the device bioresonance scanning device Angel acting on blockages in our body, which were dormant but now will begin to activate. Over time, bioresonance scanning device Angel will have these blockages gradually degraded , negative feelings mitigated and eventually disappear altogether. This condition is always temporary. The principle of this reaction can be compared to various forms of detoxification.

bioresonance scanning device Angel is a gentle method with a long-term effect.
During 3-6 weeks, it diminishes and eliminates geopathogenic load.
During 1-3 months it diminishes and eliminates parasitic, bacterial, fungal and viral loads (depending on the diet regime and other factors).
Furthermore, it improves metabolism and increase energy.
After 3-6 months bioresonance scanning device Angel has the environment completely cleansed.
After this period, all users reported significantly higher levels of energy.
From 6 to 12 months of use may lead to unwinding of some serious health problems and overall detoxification of the body.

bioresonance scanning device Angel was observed to create a positive impact on the following symptoms and complications: headache, rheumatic problems, stiff muscles, digestive problems, nerve disorders, trouble sleeping, nervousness, restlessness, fatigue, internal stress, heart disease or oncology disease.

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