metatron diagnostic machine review

metatron diagnostic machine Accurate
Accuracy & comparison
One of the major questions we often get asked about the metatron diagnostic machine system is how the metatron diagnostic machine device is better than other devices available on the market? All the companies out there with competing devices are trying to prove that their device is better from the other devices but that may or may not be true. All NLS devices work on the same basic principal with the major differences being in appearance, software features, support, training and warranties.
metatron diagnostic machine review
metatron hunter erfahrung Review
The metatron diagnostic machine system is different from others since it is a biofeedback device that uses a methodology in which the analysis is being conducted by the device itself providing you, with the best results at a lower cost. Keep in mind that training is crucial and our training is offered free and with unlimited sessions. Other devices available on the market either use pulse or moisture of the skin to get results. metatron diagnostic machine functions in the area of processing all the information within the electromagnetic field as well as incorporating all the other methods of analysis in order to get the best results. One could call metatron diagnostic machine a “complete” system.
The metatron diagnostic machine system is designed in such a way that it can give the most accurate results for analysis because its function depends on the brain as it accumulates the information about the changes that are taking place in the body. During the process, earphones are placed over the ears of the patient, which will trigger the brain to communicate with the frequencies that occur in the body. Whatever the change is, it will be detected by the metatron diagnostic machine device whether it is bacterial, viral, a parasite, or any other disease or biochemical organism. Whatever organism it is, the device will detect it due to its unique frequency and will identify where it is in terms of its development stage.
The metatron diagnostic machine system uses a therapy method that is designed to strengthen the body along with enhancing its immunity in order to facilitate a fast recovery and to stay healthy. This system is a one stop shop for practitioners and patients making it convenient for both analysis and therapy. Results are available right away.
The analysis portion is the most important part of our metatron diagnostic machine system. Other parts of the system such as emotional or mental stress become secondary. We have incredible bodies and healing the body at a quicker pace is related to a strong mind, body and spiritual well-being. If you have all of these things you can easily recover from any disease. The metatron diagnostic machine system helps you find specific physical areas of concern to focus on while going through the healing process and then our system continues to help you facilitate the best healing process.
With training metatron diagnostic machine is 92% to 98% accurate. metatron diagnostic machine allows for analysis to be done locally and in detail. The are special sensors installed in the device help the device recognize the frequency of the organisms in the presence of the patient determining the state of imbalance
The unique metatron diagnostic machine software helps in detecting the accurate analysis of the patient and then the sensors identify the frequency of the organisms which helps in detecting the best direction in balancing for a healthy life. Among other devices the metatron diagnostic machine system is the one of the most accurate because it is user friendly and comes with free training by appointment, support and services which are crucial to learning the system and operating correctly.
We welcome your questions. We believe that once you have the opportunity to use the metatron diagnostic machine system and witness the results for yourself, you will understand what is so special about it. We recommend you use the device yourself and make the comparison on your own. After comparing and researching all the devices in the market we are confident that you will discover that the metatron diagnostic machine system is the best the market has to offer.
95% Accurate
State-of-the-art technology, user-friendly, non-invasive, and quick
Preventative health measures on a cellular level
metatron diagnostic machine review
I have personally benefited immensely from this wonderful machine in assessing the health of hundreds of people including friends of mine, some of whom are top medical doctors in both Europe and Africa. In all these instances the results were amazing, with about 99% confirmation of their previous health diagnosis. The device is an unusual biomedical device outside of the current medical paradigm. It is based on 20 years of basic research done by a number of Scientists who worked out, on normal individuals, patterns of frequency responses that correspond to particular organs. Also, they were able to work out what the normal frequency response would be for any particular age of either male or female subjects of each organ.
The device is used for assessing organ function and not structure. Therefore it is not like an MRI, CT or an Ultrasound scan. It is specifically measuring the magnetic metatron diagnostic machine potential of cells, tissues and organs.
I highly recommend this non-invasive and portable high-tech device to all health professionals.
Michael K. Osei
“I wore glasses for the last 9 years.. tri focals with a muscle corrector… I started taking Nuralgia patho, optic nerve neuritis patho, crocus sativus homeo, passive rabies vacc. angiotensin Bio, trichinella spralis, Micro. three weeks later I was out for dinner with my girlfriend…took my glasses when I arrived and chatted up a storm for 4 1/2 hours( we have not seen each other in a while) and realized I did not have a tension headached… which would normally happen within minutes of not wearing my glasses. I have not worn glasses for six weeks and no headache. Yippy….”
Brigitte .
I am a chemical engineer by profession and had previously been in the Chemical Industry for many years. But the last 5 years, I am more in the Wellness Industry.I believed the metatron diagnostic machine device is a very useful and non-invasive diagnostic tools for the Wellness Industry and I supposed it is also a good complimentary tool for the Medical Industry if the Medical Association are not biased. I can recall a young lady who was diagnosed with invasive ductile carcinoma of the breast. She was advised to take out the whole breast. When I scanned her with the metatron diagnostic machine device, there was no indication of malignancy, only mastopathy was detected. The tumor markers CA15-3 as tested by metatron diagnostic machine biochemical homeostasis analysis indicated a value of 5. During the operation, the doctor did not take out the whole breast because it was found out that tumor was not as bad as first diagnosed. Upon subsequent test again, it was confirmed that the tumor was not malignant. It seem metatron diagnostic machine was correct and that the lab test regarding carcinoma was not correct.
Cruz Manila, Philippines.
Best regards, Al
“We use the Russian metatron diagnostic machine technology as the diagnostic tool of choice in our recently trademarked and released LIGHTSEEDING practice. As we train and establish future LIGHSTEEDING practitioners locally and Internationally we look forward to this diagnostic technology becoming the standard by which new LIGHTSEEDING practitioners are able to track, define and treat real core/root health conditions within the human bio-terrain and not just treat late stage symptoms with toxic band aids. We are still in the early stages of learning the depth of accuracy and findings of what the metatron diagnostic machine can detect. It truly is amazing and we look forward to discovering it’s full potential over time.”
-Nelly, Stuart
One day a woman came to the reception to complain about the constant sleepiness. She had visited a therapist, a neurologist and an endocrinologist, but no one was able to determine the reason for her problem. After running analyses within normal limits, including levels of hormones, it was found that one of the nuclei of the hypothalamus has been marked by an icon 5. Which means the mammillary nucleus was responsible for the sleep and its disorders.
-Dr. Mijhak A
I would like to share an interesting story with you about one of my patients and how metatron diagnostic machine helped me solve the problem. Not too long ago I had a patient who told me that the conception of one of his children was formed with chromosome analysis. The man was doubtful with the accuracy of the conception becasue the child was suffering with epilepsy. The patient and his family did not have a history of epilepsy. In the metatron diagnostic machine program, in one of the chromosome pictures #6 rating came up and identified epilepsy. What I found is that the patient and his child both were proned to having the disease.
For many years I worked in various MLM – companies on different machines. Recently began working on the “metatron diagnostic machine”. I want to thank you for such interesting program. It is the best I’ve seen.
I worked on the a machine I will not mention for more than a year. At first I liked the program, but later turned out to be that there are many gaps. Recently started working on the “metatron diagnostic machine” I was wondering why such a program has not out on the market before? I like the program very much. Work is interesting and comfortable. Well done, it helps me with a lot of work, particularly with difficult patients. Thank you, “metatron diagnostic machine”.
For 8 years I have worked on many devices. On the “metatron diagnostic machine” I have worked only two weeks, but I can state with full responsibility that the program “metatron diagnostic machine» is the best that I’ve seen so far. Thanks to “metatron diagnostic machine”.
-N. Sivtsov
I had a presentation and met with the staff of the “metatron diagnostic machine”. I learned a lot about its capabilities. After working on it for two weeks I am delighted with the program. My ability as a Analysisian, is much increased. Patients come to me from other companies, where such equipment is not incorporated. Thank you.
I am a doctor with a 30 – year experience. It so happens that I have worked on different machines, with different programs. Programs are all similar, did not think that anything new would emerge. In this case (we can say “happy”) brought a doctor who works at the “metatron diagnostic machine”. I fell in “love” with the program at the first glance. It is a pity that what is in the reference section of the program is not taught in college. I did not know a tenth of what is in the directory. Changed the style of my work, the approach to the patient. Pay attention to what had not attached importance. I do not know what else you can add to what is in the program, but looking forward to the new version. Thank you!
Diana is the greatest trainer of the metatron diagnostic machine machine… she is very generous with her time and even after the initial training she is always there to answer questions… very quickly. She has great confidence in the machine due to her personal experience therefore emits confidence to those of us who are going to be seeing clients. I am always amazed at her patience and willingness to make sure that i understand all of the in’s and out’s of this machine. She keeps up to date videos online which make it easy to learn.
Thank you Diana!
Hawaii, USA
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Dear Diana:
Thank you so much for your responsiveness and help all of the time! Each time I experience something that I do not know or understand, you are there to respond in a very timely manner.
As you know, I have been working with the device since 2008 and I continue to find it extremely accurate. Frankly, I continue to be amazed by its accuracy, as do my clients. I have compared the results of the metatron diagnostic machine wit.h blood tests, x-rays, MRIs, and CAT scans and each and every time the device has appropriately and effectively corroborated the results of those tests. Remarkable to say the least!
Thank you to the developers of this device, as they are keenly aware of the necessity for accuracy and how detecting frequency imbalances at an early stage is able to enhance health and well being. And, thank you to you and Tony for always supporting us with exemplary service. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by all.
Thank you,
Sandy Klang
San Francisco, USA
The metatron diagnostic machine machine is simply amazing and incredibly accurate. Often times, my clients can’t believe the results by simply wearing a pair of specialized headsets. There are many operations the machine can do, and it can take time to master them. However, the basics can be learned in just a few hours or less. The training videos walk you step-by-step on how to perform many of the functions. I love the ability to simply call or email if I have a question. and Diana is always available to answer in questions the same day. Both the metatron diagnostic machine machine, and support/training are equally amazing!
Dr. Janet Smith
United Kingdom
Along with my experience as a Nutritional Therapist and loan of a different bioresonance machine or a number of months I was really excited when I opted to buy the metatron diagnostic machine machine. As a complete beginner with the machine I found that the information and graphics presented by the metatron diagnostic machine to be very impressive. I just needed to know how to use it properly! This was where the metatron diagnostic machine Biofeedback training and Diana in particular came in. I was very grateful for the training. With the use of Skype and TeamViewer it enabled us to communicate directly and for Diane to actually show me how to operate different functions of the device. So although I still have a way to go with regards to totally integrating it into my practice, the training sessions have been a massive help. In addition, video’s have been sent through which reinforce key metatron diagnostic machine procedures which are a useful refresher. Being able to both talk and see how the machine worked was excellent but the “icing on the cake” was when the instructions Diana typed out or my queries and her responses were put into Notes, so that I now have a permanent record of the training session, like my own personal manual that I can refer back to as and when!
Bill Taylor
United Kingdom
I am Dr Michael Tan. I am a Natupath practising in Singapore , Dubai and China.
I have spend 15 years investigating on many biofeedback technologies.
I had actually bought NLS biofeedback initially from Taiwan (5D-NLS).
However after testing it and trying to use it in my clinic. I am face with many technical issues.
Eventually I got in contact with Diana of metatron diagnostic machine.
I took the risk to buy another set again. Upon receiving it, I put this new system to actual operation with my patients.
Till date I am already operating metatron diagnostic machine successfully in Singapore, India, Dubai, China .
Despite my hectic schedule , I am constantly promoting metatron diagnostic machine in several countries .
I have work with metatron diagnostic machine for the last 3 years and it is now my most important health screening tool in my Clinic and all my partner clinic.
I will be very glad to offer operational support through Diana of metatron diagnostic machine to all metatron diagnostic machine partner and new partner.
I am fully committed to supporting metatron diagnostic machine despite the fact that there are many other brands
metatron diagnostic machine model had provided me the necessary screening and evaluation program needed to have a successful health management business which is now available in my franchisee center in Singapore,Dubai,Abu Dhabi, New Delhi,Hydrabah and China
People are finding out my work with metatron diagnostic machine and are telling a lot of others to check it out. They are amazed by what they are seeing causing them to take their health more seriously. The images with the markings indicating strengths and weakness are empowering. It gives them hope that something so non-invasive can so correctly reflect what they know. Then we make a game plan to balance their health situation. Thank you for your patience in answering my many questions. Your company is honest concerning teaching anyone wanting to learn what this program can do.
Great Support!
Claudia Suen, Hawaii

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