metatron hunter price

WHAT IS metatron hunter NLS SCAN?
metatron hunter SCAN – Non-Linear Analysis System (NLS)-The Institute of Practical Psychophysics (Omsk) was founded in 1990 by the President of the International Academy of non-linear diagnostic systems, Vladimir Igorevich Nesterov, who is a full member of the Academy of medical and technical sciences. The Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP) is a scientific research institution, mainly oriented towards practical research in bio-resonance diagnostics and therapy.
One of their most advanced achievements is in the field of Non-Linear Diagnostics (NLS). NLS is based on the use of bio-resonance to identify functional underlying causative factors in the patient. This non-invasive method of diagnosis is a major leap forward in the fields of bioresoance and functional medicine. Non-linear analysis systems (NLS) are the most advanced information technologies available this century and can be considered the most remarkable and advantageous accomplishment of modern natural science. The diagnosis equipment is based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic field of any biological object. It is quite unique and unparalleled in the world today.
The Metatron is not only capable of picking up pathological processes in over 250 organs, tissues and cells, but is also capable of determining sub-clinical conditions before they manifest into pathology.
As the patient is being scanned, 3-dimensional anatomical models of the internal organs and physiological systems appear on the screen in front of them. Coloured marks placed upon the picture make it easier for the doctor to determine the site of pathology. It is possible to identify degenerative processes in these organ systems and therefore implement therapeutic protocols in good time.
As these areas of pathology are identified, the software has the capability of going deeper into the organ tissues like a surgeon would take a biopsy and analyse on a cellular level.
HOW DOES metatron hunter NLS WORK?
All the information about the state of your body is delivered to the brain. We use special trigger sensors which are shaped as headphones in order to connect to it. Furthermore, we use cutting-edge software in order to obtain this data, to decode it and to create an onscreen display in the form of three-dimensional models of organs, tissues and cells.
The metatron hunter NLS has a huge frequency library, which allows the probes on the head piece (trigger sensors) to send out signals to the selected body organs, cells or pathogens asking it to identify itself. Various conditions change the course of the metabolic processes in the cells thus initiating changes in oscillation of the cells.
metatron hunter allows three-dimensional scanning. It passes cellular cuts, tissue cuts, chromosome sets, separate chromosomes, and goes deeper to fragments of the DNA helix. The system records the frequency fluctuations of any cell/tissue/organ and adds them to the many thousands already held in the database for pathology (conditions) testing. metatron hunter then searches for a remedy that has the closest spectral characteristics of the pathological process and selects the most effective remedy.
The metatron hunter NLS Golden Dragon:
Generates computer models giving a three dimensional projection of internal organs.
Places coloured marks upon the 3D imagery to determine the site of the pathological processes and the level of degeneration.
Defines the condition in an area by investigating deeper levels in the organ, which is produced on the screen by the computer, until the pathology is localised.
Registers allergens such as from domestic animals and industrial allergens, and registers food sensitivities.
Shows all the human anatomical, cellular, and tissue structures including ultramicroscopic ones.
What is metatron hunter FEATURES parameter?
Frequency of internal generator – 4,9GHz
Average time of scanning – 2 sec
Number of computer graphic models of organs and tissues – 1432
Number of digitized spectral etalons of preparations and processes – 13933
What metatron hunter nls Features?
Frequency Of Internal Generator – 4,9GHz
Average Time Of Scanning – 2 sec
Accuracy Of Researches: Anatomical structure 85-98% Histological models 85-90%
Genetic and chromosomal models 80-90%
Number Of Computer Graphic Models Of Organs And Tissues – 1432
Number Of Digitized Spectral Etalons Of Preparations And Processes – 13933
metatron hunter NLS DIAGNOSTIC System REVIEWS
Dupuy Damien
My name is Damien Dupuy, electronic engineer, Taichichuan practitioner and Reiki Teacher.
The first time i tried the metatron hunter, i was in Taiwan to film clinical research on Reiki. The director of Wan Wha, Taipei hospital suggests me to test this equipment, which he his working with for few years to integrates alternative and conventional medicine. I am now (3 years later) operating this “without equivalent” equipment.
Ed Strachar
“My name is Ed Strachar. I am a Spiritual Healer/Author with thousands of testimonials on the efficacy of my method. I tested the metatron to see if physical changes can be mesured and it has shown effectively which organ and tissues improved..” It’s an effective machine at measuring the energy within a persons meridiens and organs. Damien Dupuy is a very competent and knowledgeable expert on this device.
Pamela Manning
I have had the biofeedback twice already and would highly recommend it. There was a month between sessions, so I could follow the recommendations given. Second session showed an increase in liver strength by 49%… brilliant.
Victor Singh
My name is Victor and I am an American Council on Exercise (ACE) Personal Trainer and Health Coach and Siam Reiki Master Teacher. I have refer clients to this Diagnosis in order to find the right nutrition for them. Part of my service include suggest the best nutrition and nutrition plans for them for the best outcomes. Since some of them have allergic reaction to some food it is best for them to know what is best for them and make them meet their goals easier without any delay. The result, they meet their goals in weight loss faster and also are physically stronger quicker too.
Florence Wildemann
I tried it as it was highly recommended to me a few times. It was very interesting to see how much information you can get (organs, tissues, allergies, diet, ideal sports…). I followed the advices given to me and I did a follow up 2 months later. We noticed an improvement of 35% to 50% on certain organs without taking any medicine. So yes I would definitively recommend it!
Katherina Dreith
My mom and I both tried the bio-feedback. I found this treatment so interesting because it was so precise on which organs had weakness and which foods to eat. Although I did not have any serious issues it did put this semi-hypochondriacs mind at ease. My mom has dealt with more chronic and acute symptoms which the diagnostic accurately discovered and treated. A month later after a medical check-up, all symptoms were miraculously healed. She truly believes it was the bio-feedback machine which helped her. Thank you very much Damien and please continue to help others.
Sera Shivnan
I first heard about the metatron hunter device over a year ago from Siam Reiki whilst I was in Bangkok learning my Level 1. Since then, I’ve been intrigued ever since to learn more about this “medicine of health” and moreover have my turn! As an ACE personal trainer and now a Siam Reiki Master, I’m a huge believer in preventive and complementary medicine and so I couldn’t wait to get the opportunity for my health check-up. My first treatment with Damien on the metatron hunter was back in June, a bacteria was detected in my body which was affecting a number of organs from functioning to their full capacity. Within 5 days of having my treatment and having had my “metatherapy”, I did a follow up check-up which detected that the bacteria had completely disappeared. Last week, almost two months later, I followed up once more. It showed a huge improvement in the majority of my organs that had been previously affected, most of which are now functioning normally. I am thrilled and very grateful to Damien to share his knowledge of this equipment in Shanghai!
How to get the metatron hunter price?
We are the supplier of metatron hunter,if you need the metatron hunter price or more info,please contact us.we will reply as soon as. you can pay by Paypal,TT,West Union. We offer OEM.We are your best choose.Welcome to Contact us.

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Sale Cousultant : Mrs Lucy | Sale Consultant : Mr Mark |