metatron nls diagnostika

What is metatron nls diagnostika?
Metatron nls diagnostikaThe Metatron nls diagnostika (4025) is an advanced non-invasive diagnostic device, based on cutting-edge technology developed in Russia. It employs Bio-Resonance or NLS-diagnostics to scan and assess the functional state of the body.
Utilizing the latest in non-linear analysis, it detects abnormalities at the tissue-, cellular-, chromosomal-, DNA helix-, and molecular level. All aberrations can be corrected using the Metatron 4025 Hunter’s integrated treatment system. Metatron scans all the body systems in a single session, creating 3D images of the organs and systems.
Metatron nls diagnostika A Non-Linear Full-Body Analysis System developed in Russia. This is currently the only FDA-approved device of its kind. It uses Biofeedback to examine all the body systems in a single session and represents the data in 3D images. The test is easy to perform, the software interface is user friendly and most importantly the results are detailed and reliable.
Information from a Metatron nls diagnostika Includes:
Nervous system
Cardiovascular system
Digestive system
Muscoskeletal system
Respiratory system
Endocrine system
Urinary system
Reproductive system
Identification of allergens
Genetic evaluation of disease predisposition
Detection of various infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, fungi & parasites
Monitoring of treatment and rehabilitation
Evaluation of stress adequacy in sports
Database of individual treatment options
How to Work Metatron nls diagnostika?
Operation principles of Metatron nls diagnostika system which belong to “brain machines” (metatrons) class are based on fundamentals of Nesterov – Van Hoven quantum entropy logic theory.
According to quantum entropy logic theory informational exchange between systems is carried out distantly, associatively and selectively due to electromagnetic radiation quantum having energy equal to energy of system’s elementary structure connections destruction. Principles of entropy logic theory allow us to affirm that in physical systems during informational exchange appear unstable (metastable) states when possibility of their destruction is increased greatly.
Intensity of informational exchange between two exchanging systems A and B is increased when form of one of these systems is destroyed. Order strength of any system is equal to amount of contained information in it; that is why destruction of one system’s (A) form with parallel information transferring to another system (B) represents information conservation law postulated by quantum entropy logic theory.
Entropy logic theory states that these theses are physically rightful only in case if A and B systems are quantum and aggregate of A and B can be described by one condition. This provides presence of initially existing informational exchange preceding destruction of one system’s structures which within context of entropy logic ties both parts together in single quantum system, because in corresponds to effect of Einstein – Podolsky – Rosen.
Quantum entropy logic theory allows us to clarify many details of fundamental psychophysical mechanisms which are used in long-range information transfer between two spatial diverse objects. The theory reveals mechanisms forming associativity, informational selectivity and other characteristics of such exotic channel of information transfer.
The system operates on the basis of principle of initiating signal amplification at destruction of metastable structures. Under the influence of external electromagnetic fields, the magnetic moments of molecular currents of the accessory centers of the neurocytes of the crust of brain lose their pristine orientation, which disorder the spin frames of the delocalized electrons, which is the reason of occurrence therein of unstable metastable states, which disintegration plays the role of the amplifier of the initiation signal. From the physical point of view the system represents a system of electronic oscillators (cadistors), resounding on a wavelength which energy is adequate to the energy of destruction of the predominant links supporting the structural architecture of the examined organism. The information about a particular condition of a biological object is read non-invasively by digital trigger sensor, which was developed using modern information technologies and microcircuitry catching weak fluctuations of the signals, evolved out of average statistical noise characteristics of the fields, and converted into a digital sequence, processed with the help of a microprocessor for transmitting it via interface cable to the computer.
If, being based on the quantum chromokinetics rules, you present entropy values any system as colors of spectrum, such colors will vary from light yellow (at minimum entropy values) through orange to red and purple, almost black (at maximum entropy values). Finer theoretical calculations performed by computer, allow singling out a number of stationary conditions corresponding to a certain entropy potential, selectively interacting with the emission spectrum.
By comparing the color gamma of the icons and their location on the organ computer model, and also their time change dynamics, one can judge on the processes of destruction of biological structures and give structures’ stability in time forecasts.
What is Metatron nls diagnostika Three Main functions?
The Metatron nls diagnostika is a kind of Pathomorphology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Phamacology, Organ preparation, Nutraceuticals and analysis system of clinical medical database.
1)Body detection function Detectable systemic 12 big systems, 847 organs, glands, cell, displayed on 1420 body anatomy engraving chart. Thousands of diseases make predictive report, the whole body 120000 list ensure accurate detection.The customer can see their organs current and past, and future 3 to 5 years of health and organization cell vitality trend.
2)The items(goods) analysis function Can analysis food, health products… The article such as whether to human organs have the effect or damage, so as to carry out mediation balance life state.
3) Repair treatment function With energy spectrum restoration and repair function, to the early stages of the disease or has not been formed stage, especially for pain spot repair has the very good auxiliary curative effect.
When Metatron nls diagnostika can use the bio therapy?
Acute Infectious Diseases
Bronchial Asthma
Autoimmune Diseases
Degenerative Organic Diseases
Rheumatic Diseases
Gynecological Disorders such as:
– Painful Menstruation
– Hormonal Imbalance
– Pre-natal Treatment
Immunodeficiency of varied origin
Post-Vaccine Complications
Intoxication and Toxic Stress
Headache and Migraine
Mycotic and Parasitic Disorders
All Types of Pain
Neurodermatitis and Eczema
Sports Injuries
Metabolic Diseases
Pre and Postoperative Treatment(s)
Secondary Viral Disorders
Urological Disorders
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