Metatron nls Why We Use and what price?

What is metatron nls 4026 clinical system?
The Clinical software has all the features from the previous models, such as Hunter, Diamond and etc. It introduces innovative developments in non-linear diagnostics systems (NLS) such as 3 dimensional images, image crosscuts, and many other functions.
Database of etalons is extended significantly.
Biochemical indices: New enzymes, and hormones are introduced.
Immunoglobulin of I order
Microelements – New section – introduced all chemical elements contained in the human organism, chemical elements wave spectrums character on their location in the periodic table is revealed, which gives the possibility to evaluate quantitatively indices of human organism homeostasis, and roughly diagnose its disorders at early stages. Using the NLS analysis function, it became possible to reveal and control content of various microelements in an organism.
Homeopathic preparations: Introduced new modern supplents, revealed strict dependence of wave spectrum analysis among humoral-constitutional peculiarities of an organism, blood group, Rhesus factor, some biochemical indices and spectrum of a homeopathic preparation.
Nutriceuticals: Database of food supplements is extended, in particular with NSP company products.
Allopathy. Database of modern allopathic / pharmaceutical preparations is significantly extended: new antibiotics, probiotics and other medications are introduced.
This software introduces the new feature of Psycho-emotional state which allows to evaluate in real-time, the emotional background of a patient and detect interrelation between development of mental and somatic pathology and the psycho-emotional state of a patient. Additional 73 etalons of emotional conditions were added, such as hope, faith, sorrow, anger, etc. to a section of psycho-emotional condition screening. Thoughts and feelings form strictly individual spatial-frequency torsion fields. In order to achieve true progress in medicine and psychology, the interpretation of emotional disorders as disharmonic fluctuations affecting normal functional conditions of an organism needs to be learned. There is a close connection between emotions, and development of a particular pathological state of health. This sometimes makes it possible to foresee the course of a person’s disease, by evaluation of his / her level of emotional stress.
Database of allergens is extended – introduced spectrums of some heavy metals.
80 new etalons of organopreparations – peptide bioregulators were introduced into database of Metapathia GR Clinical software.
For the first time in “Metapathia GR Clinical” software the application of three-dimensional reconstruction of pictures was introduced, on the basis of data read with multi-dimensional research – a study of hollow organs according to principles of “Virtual NLS-Scopy” with use of the LAPP system (ultrahigh performance parallel processors system). Preparation of pictures for visual analysis is fulfilled with the help of 4-D Tissue. the original method was invented by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, that allows not only obtaining of virtual multidimensional pictures of anatomic structures, but also to select a biological tissue of interest – “additional dimension” and visualize bones, soft tissues and vessels simultaneously.
“Metapathia GR Clinical” software has a significantly increased the accuracy of acquired rough diagnostic results by the establishing of a feedback system between a patient and the HSS. This objective is reached by introducing the possibility to enter the software results of the patient’s biochemical analyses (blood/urine) acquired by a laboratory method.
All software databases of the new Clinical software are translated into a few foreign languages. Thus, the new “Metapathia GR Clinical” software will support not only Russian, English and German languages, but Italian, and French languages as well, which significantly extends the geography of the application of this innovative technology!
metatron 4026 metapathia gr hunter
Metatron nls Why We Use and what price?
The Metatron nls 4026 is the most revolutionary program for scanning and analyzing the various organs and systems of the physical body without having to make a medical or surgical intrusion.This device scans each organ and tissue on a cellular level. It compares the measurements to a database of thousands of referenced conditions and their diagnosis. Metatron uses a special emitter to modulate the carrier frequency for the cell communication and it uses special sensor trigger readers built into headphones to read the cells own signals.Metatron nls 4026 health analyzer to light waves,sonar,through the eardrum into the human body,use of quantum resonance techniques to probe the specific organs of the body tissue of the hydrogen atomic energy ,the resonance of electromagnetic waves and then feedback to the computer,Compared with fine huge database,thus find the detection organs present,past,and the next 3 ~5 years,the health status database was established by famous scientist of the former Soviet Union and the United States which spent 35 years,spending tens of billions of national research funds,a collection of different sex,different ages,different races,different diseases,different clinical data.
Free of Radiation
No Internal Probing
No need for medical tests*
1.UNIQUE-METATRON is the first clinically proven medical rough diagnostic device of its kind in the world. It is informative, portable, user-friendly, and secure.
2.ACCURATE-Confirmed by thorough clinical trials, METATRON’s accuracy in finding acute and chronic processes as well as predispositions toward certain illnesses affecting the organism is an outstanding 79,9%.
3.USABILITY-A simple and clear user interface makes it possible to learn and evaluate the patient’s state of health with METATRON after only a few minutes of examination. This increases the amount of patient’s that can be seen by the doctor, and reduces the wait time for the patient. No more time consuming guess work and endless tests to find out what the patient may or may not have.
4.VARIETY OF DATA RECEIVED-Apart from determining the current condition of organs and the level of its functionality, METATRON elicits viruses, allergens, infections, parasites and micro-elements, and can roughly indicate some future health forecasts as well as suggests recommendations and remedies for treatment of detected illnesses.
5.WIDE APPLICATION FIELD-METATRON has already proved its effectiveness and relevance in different spheres; hospitals, clinics, health resorts and sports centers. METATRON is used all over the world, and comes in many languages. You will wonder how you ever practised without it.
The Metatron nls 4026 is already being used in; Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Psychology, Psychiatry, Sports Medicine, Fitness Consultants, Health Spa’s and Clinics, Homeopathic Clinics, Holistic Clinics, as well as Rehabilitation Centres. The applications of the Metatron Rough Diagnostic System are truly endless, which is why this system is quickly becoming the necessary companion of practitioners looking to upgrade and future proof their respective clinics.
Member of the Massai tribe with Academic Nesterov in Kenya using the Metatron nls 4026 at the request of the Kenyan Government.
Where and by whom can be used as diagnostic system: metatron nls 4026?
family doctors, specialists, therapists, clinics, hospitals, educational institutions, schools and kindergartens, spa and fitness centers, sports medicine, etc.
Doctors and medical practitioners
diagnostic-roomsDiagnostic Rooms
Medicine Specialists
Centers and Spas
Medicine Centers
distributors-of-homeopathic-medicinesDistributors of Homeopathic
Medicines and Dietary Supplements
medical-clinics Medical Clinics
Research Centers
sanatorium-resortsSanatorium Resorts
What price of Metatron nls 4026?
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Hunter 4025, Metatron NLS 4025, Metatron NLS 4026
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