What Is metatron hunter erfahrung and How Does metatron hunter erfahrung

What is metatron hunter erfahrung?
WHAT IS Metatron Hunter Erfahrung NLS SCAN?-Metatron Hunter Erfahrung SCAN – Non-Linear Analysis System (NLS)-The Institute of Practical Psychophysics (Omsk) was founded in 1990 by the President of the International Academy of non-linear diagnostic systems, Vladimir Igorevich Nesterov, who is a full member of the Academy of medical and technical sciences. The Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP) is a scientific research institution, mainly oriented towards practical research in bio-resonance diagnostics and therapy.
One of their most advanced achievements is in the field of Non-Linear Diagnostics (NLS). NLS is based on the use of bio-resonance to identify functional underlying causative factors in the patient. This non-invasive method of diagnosis is a major leap forward in the fields of bioresoance and functional medicine. Non-linear analysis systems (NLS) are the most advanced information technologies available this century and can be considered the most remarkable and advantageous accomplishment of modern natural science. The diagnosis equipment is based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic field of any biological object. It is quite unique and unparalleled in the world today.
The Metatron Hunter Erfahrung is not only capable of picking up pathological processes in over 250 organs, tissues and cells, but is also capable of determining sub-clinical conditions before they manifest into pathology.
As the patient is being scanned, 3-dimensional anatomical models of the internal organs and physiological systems appear on the screen in front of them. Coloured marks placed upon the picture make it easier for the doctor to determine the site of pathology. It is possible to identify degenerative processes in these organ systems and therefore implement therapeutic protocols in good time.
As these areas of pathology are identified, the software has the capability of going deeper into the organ tissues like a surgeon would take a biopsy and analyse on a cellular level.
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How metatron hunter erfahrung work?
HOW METATRON Metatron Hunter Erfahrung NLS-diagnostics WORKS-Metatron Hunter Erfahrung or NLS-diagnostics is the reading, processing and analyzing of information discerned from the output of electromagnetic waves issued by the human body, including DNA and chromosomes. Metatron Hunter Erfahrung makes it possible to precisely define the character, origins and degree of potentially harmful processes decoded by METATRON during a diagnostics session, and forecast future health dynamics.
Scanning is accomplished by means of bioinductors – special trigger sensors capable of measuring the state of all cells in the human body, as well as the activity of bacteria, parasites and other infectious agents inhabiting it. As opposed to others, Metatron® targets the subcortical brain – the largest repository of information about the ongoing processes within an organism.
Information received during an impermanent (20 min) diagnostic is reformed into a digital signal, which is subsequently decoded and analyzed by METATRON’s unique software. METATRON’s software database contains a total of 10,000 spectral etalons of different processes and preparations, used to determine illnesses and suggest remedies.
METATRON also estimates a body’s compatibility with all preparations (such as drugs, dietary supplements, phytopreparations, foodstuff, minerals and stones) not already present in its database by use of a special Metatron Hunter Erfahrung chamber. Simply put a sample of chosen preparation inside METATRON’s Metatron Hunter Erfahrung chamber and it will run a test of compatibility between your body and chosen preparation.
The results of research are the outcome from analysis of different vital activity rates (from the condition of body’s biologically active zones to dietary supplements recommendations). Our software features a system of markers that identify dysfunctional changes in the body, the causes thereof, their expected development, and measure their severity. Recommendations are subsequently provided, and our database features a vast list of appropriate treatments and preventive maintenance.
Why metatron hunter erfahrung?
Carefully read contents of booklets, brochures and web-pages. Pay special attention to information about distributor/manufacturer of offered products. Information materials that you have must indicate name of a company, name of a responsible person from that company, legal address, contact phone numbers and electronic addresses, in EU countries – tax payer number and registration information.
If you have contact information of such company communicate with staff of this company and make sure that such company really exists.
Ask distributor/manufacturer of a product about history of its creation and development – for example: who created the product, where and when it was clinically tested, what models were produced in the past and what models are planned to be produced, etc. Try to check received information.
If distributor/manufacturer refers to the IPP, LLC or to Mr. Vladimir Nesterov as authors of non-linear diagnostics systems who presumably could have given to this distributor/manufacturer a right for manufacturing and sales of such systems, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
If prices are given in US dollars or other currency in spite the fact that distributor/manufacturer is located in EU in Euro currency zone or given prices are much lower that usual price for similar products of other manufacturers, we recommend you to ask distributor/manufacturer for more detailed information with reasons of currency choosing or price quotation. Try to check received information.
Make sure that distributor/manufacturer has all necessary authorizations and admissions issued by state bodies of his country.
Make sure that system that you want to purchase has all necessary authorizations and admissions for your country, if those are missing we recommend you to obtain information about how to get such authorization in your country.
Prior to purchase get binding offer from distributor in which description and delivery set of offered equipment must be listed. The following document must be given to you together with a device:
passport of manufacturing plant,
user’s manual,
When you buying a system with “Metatron Hunter Erfahrung” trademark with software similar by appearance and name to products of the IPP, LLC or at a price much lower than market price or not from authorized representatives of the IPP, LLC or if you have any other doubts, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
When you buying a system from other manufacturers and with other trademarks, distinct from “Metatron Hunter Erfahrung™”, containing however software similar by appearance and name to products of the IPP, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
If price includes training courses on system handling, make sure that distributor/manufacturer or any other authorized by him person has necessary competence and experience. It is advisably to get recommendations from persons graduated from such training courses. The same rules are applicable for separate training courses, extension courses, etc.
If your lecturer refers to authorization for holding of training courses from the IPP, LLC but he is not an authorized distributor of the IPP, LLC, we recommend you to apply to us for clarification.
How to use the metatron hunter erfahrung?
How to use the Metatron Hunter Erfahrung?-Connect the items cup link to the Metatron Hunter Erfahrung.
Place drugs or health food into item cup (Note: unless you are a medical doctor, you are not allowed to recommend taking a patient off their medication without the consent of their doctor).
Click the organs that you wish to assess
Place the headset onto the patient
Click vegetotest in the Diacom software, enter the name of the drug or health food, and then start the test to assess out the drug or health food impact testing.
After completing the test, the results will show in the in organ diagnosis list.
Press analysis key to carry out the drug or health food analysis comparison.
On the analysis of the comparison window, select the organs that have been detected and click auto search.
The comparison window will search the organs to compare and analyze automatically.
How to analysis metatron hunter erfahrung reports
How to read Metatron Hunter Erfahrung nls 6 color test reports-Signal Input To The Database To Match,Then Shows The Following Several Different Situations
1 – Normal State
2 – Standard Condition
3 – Restricted State
4 – Serious Disorders State
5 – Weak State
6 – Abnormal Condition
(Sub-health status)
Is Metatron Hunter Erfahrung safe?
Yes. Metatron Hunter Erfahrung uses no harmful substances to analyse for any energetic changes within the body. There are no known ill side-effects. Non Linear Scanning (NLS) devices such as The Metatron Hunter Erfahrung are recognized around the world as the safest method of scanning an organism. The Metatron Hunter Erfahrung is certified by the European CE and the FDA in the United States.
Although Non Linear Scanning is safer than some other medical diagnostic methods, it is advisable not to undertake Metatron Hunter Erfahrung Analysis or Metatherapy if you have heart pace maker or internal defibrillator.

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