metatron nls ru

metatron nls ru
metatron nls ru
What is metatron nls ru System?
Metatron is a medical device approved in the EC
is a biorezonance device that uses the NLS diagnostic method
is produced by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP) in Omsk, Russia
at this time it is the best biorezonance diagnostic system
it is portable, easy, non-invasive and painless
the NLS diagnostic method is based on the notions of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ayurvedic, quantum physics, biochemistry, etc.
is quick and safe (within one hour the health of the patient’s body can be appreciated without the use of other appliances, that is, a miniclinic)
minimal maintenance costs, no consumables, excellent reliability.
What is metatron nls ru System-The first device of its kind in the world! An informative, portable, user friendly device, to suite the medical demands of today.Developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics, the Metatron rough diagnostic medical device boasts world class software, capable of scanning a patient without harmful effects, producing information within a matter of minutes. Metatron’s accuracy in finding acute and chronic processes, as well as predispositions towards certain illnesses, is an outstanding 79.9%. It is the world’s smallest and portable medical diagnostic device, with enormous applications and extensive database, making it able to be used anywhere!
METATRON makes it possible to examine all body systems without exceptions in a single session
NLS Diagnostics compared with other methodologies
NLS-diagnosis 64, 4%
MRI 23, 4%
Average accuracy of diagnosis by comparing clinical research results on 5 areas: Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Gynecology and Endocrinology.
metatron nls ru
metatron nls ru
metatron nls ru
metatron nls ru
What is can Therapy with metatron nls ru?
metatron nls ru shows in which development stage the disorder is in and if the process is acute or chronic. Furthermore with a new added function it is possible to determine how the disorder will develop in the future. This allows to discover if a therapy is suitable or if the body can solve the problem by itself.metatron nls ru determines not only the type of disorder but also identifies the severity of the disorders. After the measurement, the metatron nls ru can treat the client with the function META Therapy, Phytotherapy, Stone Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy and Iris Therapy.The treatment is carried out on eight levels: the first on the molecule, and then the ultrastructure, DNA helix, chromosome, nucleus, cell, tissue, up to the entire organ, making it the very effective and successful. The user can observe the effectiveness directly on the screen. A comparative analysis shows the changes that take place before and after treatment.According to the same principles, metatron nls ru is capable of measuring oscillations of remedies such as food supplements, homeopathic remedies, etc. By means of this function, it can find the most efficient remedy for the patient. metatron nls ru can identify which therapeutic remedy works best and which burdens are present.
metatron nls ru Recognizes And Treats:
• Osteo-Skeletal System(Bones,Joints,Muscles,Etc.) • Lymphatic System, Lymph Nodes Individual
• Vascular System (Coronary Vessels, Arteries,Veins, Capillaries)
• Nervous System, (Brain, Spinal Cord, Hypothalamus, Pituitary)
• Urogenital System (Kidney, Bladder, Ovaries, Uterus, Prostate)
• Respiratory System (Lungs,Trachea, Bronchi, Etc.)
• Digestive System (Stomach, Intestines, Esophagus, Liver, Etc.)
• Endocrine System (Thyroid, Adrenal Glands, Etc.)
• Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses And Parasites
• Blood Components, Hormones And Enzymes
• Allergens And Environmental Toxins
• Food ,Berbs, Homeopathics, Pharmaceuticals, Etc.
metatron nls ru
metatron nls ru
Who need use the metatron nls ru?
Doctors and medical practitioners
Sanatorium resorts
Fitness centers and spas
Medical Clinics
Oriental Medicine Centers
Sports Medicine Specialists
Diagnostic rooms
Scientific research centers
Distributors of phytopreparations and dietary supplements
Metatron nls ru
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